Recording bulk deliveries

Use Sales Shipping Feedback Entry to record the actual quantities delivered to your customers’ bulk storage devices. You can also record the tank level as recorded by the driver on the Driver Card or Meter Ticket. Bulk storage tanks are set up in BD Tank Master Setup. The Bulk Delivery module is enabled when the Bulk Delivery Active option is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Processing.

Backorders cannot be created for orders where the shipped quantity is less than the ordered quantity. To prevent a backorder when the shipped quantity is less than the ordered quantity, the Backorder flag on the line is automatically unchecked. The ordered quantity is unchanged.

  1. Select Sales > Entry > Shipping Feedback.
  2. Use the Search panel to locate the sales order.
  3. Drill down on the order in the grid to view its detail.
  4. On the Header view, specify the Customer PO # if available. Click Save.
  5. On the Line Items view, specify this information:
    1. Select the line item and specify the quantity shipped.

      If the quantity shipped is less than the ordered quantity, the quantity ordered is not changed. However, a backorder is not created for the difference.

      If the quantity shipped is more than the ordered quantity, the message Adjust Qty Ordered up to Qty Shipped? is displayed. Click Yes.

    2. The tank mark measurement of percent or 8ths is defaulted in the Tank Marking column from the BD Tank Master Setup record. If no Tank Marking is specified in BD Tank Master Setup, % (assumed) is displayed. In the Tank Level column, specify the tank mark percent or 8ths. This is provided by the delivery driver on the Meter Ticket or Driver Card.
      If Percent, specify a whole number no greater than 100. For example, if the tank was filled to 90% capacity, specify 90.
      If 8ths, specify a whole number no greater than 8. For example, if the tank was filled to 7/8 capacity, specify 7.
      Note: Do not leave this field as zero if you are finished updating this shipment. The order is prevented from being set to Shipped stage until a Tank Level is specified.
    3. The Tank Level Amt field is updated based on the value specified in the Tank Level column. The Tank Level Amt is calculated as:
      (Tank Level Pct / 100) * Tank Size, or
      (Tank Level 8ths / 8) * Tank Size
  6. On the Shipping Feedback Entry window, select the order you updated, and click Ship/Unship.
  7. Verify the order is in Shipped stage. If so, these updates occurred:
    • Last Delivery Date in BD Tank Master Setup updated.
    • Current Tank Level % in BD Tank Master Setup reset based on the Tank Level.
    • The Override options for Current Tank Level % and Daily Usage in BD Tank Master Setup are unchecked.
The order is ready to be invoiced in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. If you are using TWL, also run BD TWL Update Report to update inventory in your TWL warehouse.