Vendor Alpha Vendor List Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- In (V)endor # or (L)ookup Name Order
Specify Vto print the vendors in vendor number order.
Specify L to print the vendors in lookup name order.
- Print (A)ctive, (I)nactive, or (B)oth?
Specify A to print only active vendors.
Specify I to print only inactive vendors.
Specify B to print active and inactive vendors.
- Print Ship Froms?
Select Yes to print the ship-from locations.
Select No if you do not want to print the ship-from locations. This option works with the ranges you enter. For example, if you enter a range of ship froms on the ranges page, but you select No for this option, only the vendor information will print for each vendor that matched the ship from range.
- Print Addresses?
Select Yes to include addresses on the report.
- Pg Break On 1st Character Lookup Nm Chg?
Select Yes to print the report with a new page each time the first character of the lookup name changes. For example, the report will initially start alphabetically printing those lookup names that start with A. When the report comes upon the first lookup name that starts with B, it will force a page break and start printing the Bs on a new page. The standard method prints all vendors in alphabetical lookup name order continuously.
You must specify L in the In (V)endor # or (L)ookup Name Order option to use this option.