KP Entry Journal Print Report ranges and options
- Operator Initials (blank for all)
Specify the operator’s initials to include journals for a specific operator. The operator who is signed in when the journal is created is associated with the journal.
Leave this option blank to include all operators that meet the parameters that are specified for other ranges and options.
- Print Unprinted Journals Only?
Select Yes to print all journals that have not yet been printed. After a journal is included on a report, the Printed option in SA Journal Setup is selected. If you select View in the Print Type field on the Information page, the journal processed by the report are considered unprinted.
Select No to include all qualifying journals.
- Print References?
Select Yes to print one line per journal transaction and references for some or all of the transactions. The references that are printed are the references that are specified in KP Work Order Center Entry. If references are used extensively, the report can be lengthy.
- Print G/L Distrib With Detail Lines?
Select Yes to print the General Ledger distribution below the corresponding detail lines for each journal. The General Ledger distribution is displayed according to account code and debit/credit amounts. If you print multiple journals, the detail lines and General Ledger distribution for each journal are grouped together.
Select No to print the General Ledger distribution at the end of the report. If you print multiple journals, the detail lines for each journal are displayed first. The General Ledger distribution for each journal is grouped at the end of the report.
- Totals Only?
Select No to print all transaction detail lines and the totals information.
Select Yes to print the product, debit, and credit totals and the General Ledger distribution totals.
- Enter a List of Journal #'s?
Select Yes, and then click to specify a list of journals to include on the report. If you specify a list of journals, the ranges are ignored.