Automatic Pricing Window field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order by section.
- Cash Discount Begins At / Cash Discount Length
- Define these fields if the input record includes a cash or terms discount. These fields are used to update new or existing Product Setup records if the Terms Discount is set to Yes.
- Code 1 Begins At / Code 1 Length
- These fields are for custom modifications.
- Code 2 Begins At / Code 2 Length
- These fields are for custom modifications.
- Code 3 Begins At / Code 3 Length
- These fields are for custom modifications.
- Code 4 Begins At / Code 4 Length
- These fields are for custom modifications.
- Code 5 Begins At / Code 5 Length
- These fields are for custom modifications.
- Cost Begins At / Cost Length
- Define these fields to update your cost from the vendor.
- Date Begins At / Data Length
- Define these fields if a date is included in the input data record. This date is used as the beginning date if new PD Price Setup records are created. If a date does not exist in the service bureau data record, the current date is used.
- Description 1 Begins At / Description 1 Length
- Define this field if a product description is included in the data record. The description you specify is used if new Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup records are created.
- Description 2 Begins At / / Description 2 Length
- Define this field if a product description is included in the data record. The second description is used if new Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup records are created.
- Line Begins At / Line Length
- Define this field if a product line is included in the imported data record. While this value is not assigned by PD Administrator Automatic Pricing, you can use it as a range to limit the update to certain product lines.
- List Begins At / List Length
- Define this field for the product list price as included in your input data record. This field may be loaded into one of four locations as determined by the Load Into List option.
- Price 1 Begins At / Price 1 Length
- Define a quantity break if your pricing level is dependent on quantity purchased.
- Price 2 Begins At / Price 2 Length
- Define a second quantity break if your pricing level is dependent on quantity purchased.
- Price 3 Begins At / Price 3 Length
- Define a third quantity break if your pricing level is dependent on quantity purchased.
- Product Begins At / Product Length
- You must define the product fields because PD Administrator Automatic Pricing updates are based on the product name or number. If your product names or numbers differ from those used by your service bureau or manufacturer, you can build a cross-reference file through Product Extended Cross Reference Setup.
- Quantity Break 1 Begins At / Quantity Break 1 Length
- Define a quantity break if your pricing level is dependent on quantity purchased.
- Quantity Break 2 Begins At / Quantitiy Break 2 Length
- Define a second quantity break if your pricing level is dependent on quantity purchased.
- Quantity Break 3 Begins At / Quantity Break 3 Length
- Define a third quantity break if your pricing level is dependent on quantity purchased.
- Type
- Specify a type to identify the pricing record format. For example, you could specify a name that is similar to the pricing service bureau or manufacturer that provides the update media.
- Unit Begins At / Unit Length
- Define this field if a stocking unit is included in the input data record. This field is used if new Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup records are created.
- Vendor Begins At / Vendor Length
- If the imported data contains a vendor number, define a beginning point and length. While this value is not assigned by PD Administrator Automatic Pricing, you can use this field as a range to limit the update to only certain vendors.
- Weight Begins At / Weight Length
Additional Information
- Base Factor
- If you want to mark up or mark down the option selected in the Load Into Base field, specify a multiplier. If you leave the default of 1.00, the base price remains the same as the corresponding price or cost from the automatic pricing record. For example, to mark up Price 2 by ten percent, specify 1.10 as the multipler. To mark down Price 2 by ten percent, specify .90 as the multiplier.
- Category
- Specify a valid product category. The category you specify is the default product category when new product or catalog records are created.
- Create New
- If an item does not exist in your inventory, you have the option to create a new product record, new catalog record, or neither. If you are creating product or catalog records, the Vendor Number, Product Line, Product Category, Multiplier, and Price Type fields are activated. To mark up or mark down the option selected in the Load Into: List field, specify a multiplier. If you leave the default of 1.00, the list price is the same value as the corresponding price or cost from the automatic pricing record. For example, if you wish to mark up price 2 by ten percent, type 1.10. If you want to mark down price 2 by ten percent, type .90 as the multiplier
- Create PD Records
- If you want to create new Pricing or Discounting records from the imported data, select this option. The SA Administrator Options-Products-Pricing Enable Price Types - Product option must be selected and your Product Warehouse Product Setup records must exist to create a type 7 (product) Pricing and Discounting record from the imported data.
- Decimal Pt in File
- If the imported data includes a decimal point, select this field. Two decimal positions are assumed if decimal points are not present.
- List
- This field defaults to None, which means the Product Warehouse Product Setup List Price field is not to be updated.
- List Factor
- To mark up or mark down the option selected in the List field, specify a multiplier. If you leave the default of 1.00, the list price remains the same as the corresponding price or cost from the automatic pricing record. For example, to mark up Price 2 by ten percent, specify 1.10 as the multipler. To mark down Price 2 by ten percent, specify .90 as the multiplier.
- Load Into Base
- This field defaults to None, which means the Product Warehouse Product Setup Base Price field is not to be updated.
- Multiplier
- This field determines if the product's base, list, or cost defaults to the Multiplier field in Product Setup, if you are creating a new product, or in Product Catalog Setup, if you are creating a new catalog product.
- Price Type
- Your can group products together with a product price type to apply the same prices and discounts to several products. Specify the product price type if you are creating new product or catalog records.
- Product Line
- Specify a valid product line. The product line you specify is the default product line when new product or catalog records are created.
- Product Prefix
- Specify a prefix if you want all newly created product or catalog product records to have the same prefix.
- Replacement
- This field defaults to None, which means the Product Warehouse Product Setup Replacement Cost field is not to be updated.
- Standard
- This field defaults to None, which means the Product Warehouse Product Setup Standard Cost field is not to be updated.
- Use Product Xref
- If you use cross references with your products, select this option. The Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup records are checked for valid cross references.
- Vendor #
- Specify a vendor number. The vendor you specify is the default vendor when new product or catalog records are created.