PO Entry Processing Receiving Advice EDI 861 ranges and options
- Include Exception Lines Only?
Select Yes to only report the line data with exceptions. Exception lines are those where the Receiving Condition code in the item record is: Other than Unavailable is not "07" and Unavailable is not blank.
Select No to write all lines to the flat file.
- Include Unreported Data Only?
Select Yes to report data that has been previously reported on an EDI 861 document.
Select No only under special conditions and always with one or more specified ranges. If a range is not specified, all reported and unreported data, both current and historical, are included in the file. Under these conditions, do not run the report as a stored report.
- EDI Flat File Directory
Specify a local directory in which to save the EDI output. Include the full path. If you do not specify a value, the files are saved to the Outbound EDI directory that is specified in SA Company Setup.