Event Manager keywords

When the Action Type for an event is Email Message, you can control the subject line and body of the email message. The initials of the operator that created the event are included in the body of the message. The operator initials are also available as a keyword for the email body override feature. You can enter a series of keywords anywhere within the text body, and the system will replace the keywords with the actual event data.


Text: Your order for customer <custno> has been put on hold. Please reference our Order # <orderno> for any future correspondence.

In this example, the actual order number replaces the <orderno> keyword, and the actual customer number replaces the <custno> keyword when the event notification e-mail message is sent.

This a list includes valid keywords with description in parentheses:

  • amount (amount)
  • contactid (contact ID)
  • contactname (contact name)
  • custno (customer number)
  • customername (customer name)
  • custpo (customer purchase order number)
  • duedt (due date)
  • eventdt (event date)
  • eventtm (event time)
  • jrnlno (journal number)
  • lineno (line number)
  • operinit (operator initials)
  • orderno (order number)
  • price (price)
  • prod (product)
  • prodcost (product cost)
  • prodcat (product category)
  • proddesc (product description)
  • proddesc2 (product description line 2)
  • promisedt (promise date)
  • qtyord (quantity ordered)
  • qtyship (quantity shipped)
  • refer (reference)
  • reqshipdt (requested ship date)
  • receiptdt (receipt date)
  • shipfmno (ship from number)
  • shipto (ship to number)
  • slsrepin (sales representative in)
  • slsrepout (sales representative out)
  • stkqtyord (stock quantity ordered)
  • stkqtyship (stock quantity shipped)
  • stagecd (stage code)
  • takenby (taken by)
  • transtype (transaction type)
  • unit (unit)
  • vendno (vendor number)
  • vendorname (vendor name)
  • whse (warehouse)