Printing product notes
- Sales Entry Processing Acknowledgment Report
Product notes, catalog product notes, and external line comments can be printed for order lines and kit components, if the component is set to print, on order acknowledgements. This is a customer document and customer restrictions defined for the product note in the Notes context application are applied.
- Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and Sales Demand
Invoices Report
Product notes, catalog product notes, and external line comments can be printed for order lines and kit components, if the component is set to print, on invoices. This is a customer document and customer restrictions defined for the product note in the Notes context application are applied.
Note: Two settings determine if kit components are printed on documents. These are the Print On Invoice option in Product Setup and the Print option in KP Component Setup or Sales Order Entry-Kit Component. If the component is not printed, then neither is the component’s product note. - Sales Consolidated Invoices Report
If product notes are set up to print on invoices, then they also print on consolidated invoices. Line comments are not printed on consolidated invoices. This is a customer document and any customer restrictions defined for the product note in the Notes context application are applied.
- Sales Entry Pick Tickets Report, VA Entry Processing Pick
Ticket Report, and Transfer Entry-Print Pick
Product notes and catalog product notes can be printed for order lines and kit components on regular, bulk, WM, and TWL pick tickets. Regular pick tickets and TWL packing slips are customer documents and any customer restrictions defined for the note are applied. VA and transfer pick tickets are printed regardless of customer or vendor restrictions. To prevent a product note for a restricted customer or vendor from printing on these pick tickets, uncheck the Pick Ticket option on the Notes window.
Product notes are printed on bulk sales order pick tickets only when there is no customer restriction.
Product notes are printed on bulk VA and transfer pick tickets regardless of customer or vendor restrictions.
Product notes on direct transfers with a customer restriction are not printed if the restricted customer number matches the customer on the tied order.
- Purchase Entry Processing Print POs Report
Product notes and catalog product notes can be printed for order lines on purchase orders.
Purchase orders are vendor documents and any vendor restrictions defined for the note are applied. Product notes for Direct Order purchase orders with a customer restriction are not printed if the restricted customer number matches the customer on the tied order.