Pricing and security
The Allow Entry of Non-Stocks setting in SA Operator Setup is checked to verify that you can enter nonstock items on sales orders, warehouse transfers, and purchase orders. The Order or WT Required When Non-stock Item Entered on PO option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Purchase Orders-Entry Defaults determines if you can enter a nonstock item on a purchase order without a customer order or transfer.
Generally, you should not order nonstock products from a vendor or warehouse unless you can fill an order or transfer with the goods. This prevents unauthorized purchases of nonstock products that tend to increase inventory levels.
The price is required for processing the order. The Price and Discount fields are available on the Nonstock window, regardless of your security level. The price and discount are displayed for the line item and are available if Allow Entry is selected in the Price/Discount Info field on your SA Operator Setup. If Allow Viewing Only is selected, the price and discount you specify on the Nonstock window is displayed on the line item but is read only. If Do Not Allow Either is selected, the price and discount you specify on the Nonstock window is not displayed for line items.