SA Administrator Cross Company System Copy Report ranges and options


See Ranges.


Copy Table Values?

Select Yes to copy the information set up in these functions:

  • SA Table Code Value Setup
  • SA Currency Setup
  • SA Order Entry Addon Setup
Copy Gov't Tax Entities?

Select Yes to copy the information set up in these functions:

  • SA Sales Use Tax Setup
  • SA Goods and Services Taxes Setup
  • SA Local Tax Setup
  • SA Exemption Table Setup
  • SA Tariff Rate Setup
Copy Operator Setups?

Select Yes to copy SA Operator Setup records.

Select No to create operator records with the system default values.

To copy operator security records, you must select Yes for the Also, Operator Security option.

Also, Operator G/L?

Select Yes to copy the General Ledger defaults set up for the operators in SA Operator Setup-Other Options. If the GL accounts from the source company are partially-divisionalized, or either company is fully-divisionalized, the copy occurs.

Select No if the destination company is set up with different GL accounts than the source company. The records are created with the system default values, which are null values.

If this option is set to No, Yes is the default value for the Update GL field in SA Operator Setup-Other Options-General Ledger. If this option is Yes, the system copies the Update GL values from the operator records in the source company.

Also, Operator Security?

Select Yes to include operator function security records from SA Operator Setup and authorization point security records.

If you select No, the records are created with the system default values.

Overwrite previously existing recs?

Select Yes to delete the existing operator records in the destination company and recreate the records based on the Operator Setups, Operator G/L, and Operator Security options on this report.

In CloudSuite Distribution, select Yes when you first run this report to ensure that the R&D and SYS operator records in the destination company are overwritten.

If the GL accounts in the destination company are different than the source company, use caution when you overwrite existing records. If the GL accounts are set up on an operator record in the destination company and you overwrite that record, you must manually update the GL account information on the recreated record. If you select No for Also, Operator G/L option, the system default values are applied to the operator record. The GL account values for the destination company are not retained.
Note:  Before using this option, you must have unique operator names throughout your system.

This option does not apply to the Copy Table Values and Copy Gov’t Tax Entities options.