Printing warehouse transfers
Print a warehouse transfer to move it from Stage 1 (Ordered) to Stage 2 (Picked). To print a warehouse transfer in Transfer Entry, use the on-demand print function.
See Printing a document on demand.
To print multiple warehouse transfers, use the Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report.
Requirements and conditions for printing warehouse transfers
These conditions are verified before a transfer is printed:
- The operator has a security of 3 or higher for the print function.
- The transfer is in Stage 1 (Ordered) or Stage 2 (Picked).
- Transfer lines are approved to be printed. Lost business lines on transfers in Stage 3 (Shipped) or less cannot be printed.
These list describes required special handling requirements and parameters that may prevent a transfer from printing.
- If these conditions are met, the transfer must be printed on-demand or specified
on the Transfer Entry Print Warehouse Transfer Report by
using the List feature:
- A line on a transfer in Stage 0 (Requested) is approved.
- The transfer is in Stage 3 (Shipped).
- The Print Pick Ticket Line Items When Quantity Shipped is 0 option in SA Administrator Options -Documents-Sales Orders-Printing determines whether transfers with a total quantity shipped of zero are printed. If a transfer does not print, check the total quantity shipped.
- Typically, the entire quantity of a nonstock product is ordered from a vendor or transferred from another warehouse. If you have some of the quantity in stock, the quantity shipped is the quantity that needs to be picked. Nonstock prints in the Bin Location field to indicate that the product is not stocked in the warehouse.
- Transfers must meet the minimum percentage or amount to have transfers printed for back orders determined by the . The criterion is specified in the Threshold Criteria Type field in SA Administrator Options -Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.
- If COD prints on a Direct Order (DO) transfer, it indicates that the tied sales order is a COD order. Special action may be required, based on your internal procedures.
- If these conditions are
met, the customer's PO prints above the first line of the transfer:
- The Print Format for pick tickets in SA Administration Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing is 1.
- The transfer is tied to an sales order Direct Order (DO).
- If RUSH prints on the transfer, the transfer requires expedited handling.
- If FILL FROM RECEIVED MERCHANDISE prints on the transfer, it indicates it printed from the Sales Entry Processing Back Order Fill Report. It must be filled with merchandise that was just received.
Printing approved transfers
You can use Transfer Approve Transfer Inquiry to review requested warehouse transfers. Each line on a warehouse transfer can be approved, requested, or denied. If one line item is requested, the entire transfer is in Stage 0 (Requested). The warehouse transfer does not advance to Stage 1 (Ordered) until all line items have been approved or denied. Use the Print function to print pick tickets for warehouse transfers that you have approved.
You can print approved transfers on demand from Transfer Approve Transfer Inquiry. Conduct a search to locate an existing transfer. Select a transfer from the grid, select . Optionally, you can click from the toolbar.
On the Print page, specify print information. If you select Automatic Print, then the transfers are printed as they are approved. Click to complete printing of the pick ticket. Click the back arrow to return to the grid. The approved and printed transfer remains listed in the grid so you can select other transfers to print. Conduct another search to refresh the grid. Only approved transfers can be printed. Print one transfer at a time.