SA System Error Message Setup field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order.

Error #

Specify the number you want to assign to this error message. If you specify a number that is already assigned to an error message, this messages: This error number already exists.

When this happens, click Next Available to assign the next available error number. The next error number available after the number specified in the Error # field displays. For example, if you specified 100 and click Next Available, the field updates to 101.


This field displays only if a language has been specified for the company in SA Company Setup.

Specify the language to use for the error message. Languages available to select are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Select Default-Language to use the company's default language specified in SA Company Setup.

This field displays only if a language has been specified for a company in SA Company Setup.

Last Updated / At / By

When you edit an error message, these fields display the date, time, and operator ID of the last user to maintain the error message.


The description to be associated with this error number. When this error occurs during processing, the error number and description display.


Specify sites where the error message is valid. This information is used by the installation routines to customize your software. Select Specific if the error message is particular to the customer site. The records are not be changed during installations and upgrades.