Sales Order Entry - Shopping List - Product List field descriptions
- Automatically Launch This View?
Select this option to automatically open this page each time you access the Shopping List function.
- Clear Shopping List?
Select this option to remove all existing products from the Shopping List grid. If you do not select this option, products from Shopping List that you are generating are appended to existing products in the grid.
- Include Optional Products?
Select this option to display optional products in the Shopping List directly below out-of-stock products. You can select either product to add to the order.
- Number of Products to Recall
Specify the maximum number of product records to include in the Shopping List.
- Product List Type
Specify the product list to use as the Shopping List. Product lists are set up in Product List Setup or Product Setup.
- Price Each Product?
Select this option to calculate the price for each product. If this option in not selected, the price is calculated only for products that have a recommended order quantity. Calculating the price for fewer products reduced the time that is required to generate the Shopping List.
This setting is retained from session to session.