Shipping notifications
Shipping notifications are email notifications sent to sales order contacts to provide notice of an order shipment or order invoicing.
Shipping notifications for single order shipments
Shipping notifications are generated automatically when an order is shipped, unless the order is part of a combined shipment. A combined shipment is an order shipped with other orders. When an order is shipped, an ION Order Shipped event generates the Shipment BOD that contains the email contact information for shipment notifications. Emails are generated in ION for each of the contacts.
You can send shipping notifications for combined shipments on-demand in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry.
Shipping notifications for combined shipments
If the company is set up to use combined shipments in SA Administrator Options, the shipment notification is sent when you run Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. You can use this option to send a notification after the master order and all child orders are shipped.
Shipping notification at order invoicing
Shipping notifications are generated automatically when an order is invoiced. When an order is invoiced, the ION Order Invoiced Event Manager event triggers a Shipment BOD. The Shipment BOD contains the information for the invoiced order and its children, if applicable. The email contact information is obtained from the sales order and CAM shipment notifications. Emails are generated in ION for each of the contacts.
If combined shipment is used, the SXCSShipment BOD is generated.
Shipping notifications on-demand
You can send shipment notification on-demand in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry. Use this option to send shipping notifications for orders that have already had notifications sent, perhaps to send notification to a different contact. You can also use this method to send shipping notifications for combined shipments.
When you send shipping notifications on-demand, you can select from a list of existing contacts related to the order’s customer or ship to. You can also add a new recipient to the list. Either the Shipment BOD or the SXCSShipment BOD is triggered for the selected contacts, even if a notification was sent earlier.
For invoiced orders, you can use the Quick Ship feature and send a shipping notification from the Quick Ship window.