GL Administrator Asset and Liability Revaluation Report ranges and options


Posting Date
Specify the General Ledger posting date or leave the default asterisks to run the report for the current date.
Posting Period
Specify the posting period or leave the default asterisks to run the report for the current GL period.
Print Detail?
Select Yes to print the report in detail. Transaction-level detail is included for each control account.
Select Yes to run the report in update mode and post revaluations to General Ledger and customer and vendor transactions. Select No to run the report without updating, where no postings are made. If the report is run in non-update mode, the next available revaluation numbers are shown based on the existing revaluations. These numbers may change if the report is run after other revaluations have occurred.
Include A(R), A(P), P(O)?

Use this option to run the report against only customer, vendor, or purchase transactions.

If you specify R, only open customer invoices, scheduled payments, and active customer miscellaneous credits are revalued.

If you specify P, only active vendor invoices, active vendor miscellaneous credts, and vendor unmatched transactions are revalued.

If you select O, only purchase orders that have been received but not fully costed and do not exist on an unmatched transaction are revalued.

The default for this option is to include all transaction types when revaluing and is specified by r,p,o.