Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report ranges and options
See Report ranges.
- Only Shipped Orders?
Select Yes to process only orders in Stage 3-Shipped.
Select No to process orders in Stage 2-Picked and Stage 3-Shipped.
If you specify a list of order numbers in the Enter a List of Order #’s option, the system ignores this option.
Note that if this option is No and Counter Sale (CS) orders from a TWL warehouse need to be invoiced, run WL Entry Batch Shipping Report before invoice processing to ensure that all CS orders are properly updated relevant to the processing activity in TWL.
- Print Invoices? (Y)es, (N)o, (U)nprinted
Specify Yes to print invoices after completing invoice processing. The printer you specify in Printer Information prints the invoices. The system tracks the number of times an invoice has printed. If an invoice is printed more than once, Reprint shows on the invoice. To print from fax or EDI, set this option to Yes.
Specify No to use Sales Demand Invoices Report to print invoices.
Specify Unprinted to have the system check an internal Invoice Count field on the order header. If the value in the Invoice Count field is greater than zero, the invoice does not print. Use this option when you specify a range of order numbers. An invoice for a fully tendered Counter Sale (CS) order is not printed, even if it has not been printed before.
- (O)rd, (Z)ip, (E)nt, (R)oute, (C)ust Order
Specify Order to print numerically by order number.
Specify Zip to print numerically by postal code. Use this option when you bundle your mail by postal code.
Specify Entry to print in the sequence orders were specified on the list using the Enter a List of Order #’s option.
Specify Route to print numerically by delivery route.
Specify Customer to print numerically by customer or ship to number.Note: If you are generating invoice forms using Print Format 4 and ION BODs are created for the output, this option is honored when the report is run. However, there is a possibility that the BODs are not processed by ION in the intended order. This is also true if you are printing invoice forms through ION API using Infor Document Management (IDM). IDM processes each invoice as a separate XML document, and the output order from IDM may not coincide with the selected sort order. - For (O)nly Billing, (F)loorplan, (B)oth
If your customer finances purchases through a finance company, use this option to directly invoice the finance company, the customer, or both.
Specify Only Billing to print only the customer’s name and address for the ship to and bill to.
Specify Floorplan to print the customer’s information for the ship to and to use the finance company information for the bill-to. A message prints on the invoices: **FINANCED***.
Specify Both to print both the ship to and bill-to; two invoices are generated.
- Audit Orders?
Select Yes to make sure Sales Order Audit Report runs prior to invoice processing.
Optionally, you can make sure the Sales Order Audit Report runs before you run Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. Running the audit report corrects all out-of-balance orders before they are processed. This is beneficial because after an invoice is processed, it cannot be corrected and Accounts Receivable must be manually changed.
Be advised that activating this setting will audit only orders; whereas, you can set up Sales Order Audit Report to audit orders and update customer balances. Also, the ranges specified in Sales Order Entry Invoice Processing Report are used to generate a list of orders ready for invoicing. That list of orders will also be used by Sales Order Audit Report when it runs and will correct only those orders in the list. This list only includes, for example, orders that have been picked and orders that are not on hold. To update customer balances, Sales Order Audit Report should be run stand-alone so that all open orders can be considered.
Of course, you can use Report Scheduler to run Sales Order Audit Report during off-hours ahead of Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. However, if the Sales Order Audit Report ran too long, orders that were not audited could be picked up by Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report when it runs. In this case, the information usually generated by Sales Order Audit Report is appended to the end of the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report exception report.
- Enter a List of Order #'s?
Select Yes to specify an exact, or list of, order numbers. Click to show the Orders to Process window. Note that using this option overrides any ranges you may have specified in the Range view.
- Posting Date (MM/DD/YY)
Because invoice processing is a report, the standard General Ledger Journal window is not displayed. Therefore, you must provide this information through report options.
Today's date defaults into the Posting Date. This date does not affect the Posting Period option. You can override the posting date, but it should correspond to the posting period. The Posting Date is assigned to all Accounts Receivable, Product, and General Ledger history transactions created during this session and becomes the invoice date on the order.
Instead of using today's date, you can specify a number of days. For example, you can specify
in the field, and the system uses the current date less 7 days for the date. You can only specify from 1 to 7 days. - Posting Period (MM/YY)
This is the current General Ledger posting period. You can only post a journal to one period at a time. The posting period is determined from the settings in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Period Structure.
The Current Period Only option takes precedence over the other options. If this option is selected, you can only post to the current period. If the Current Period Only option is cleared, the system then considers the Periods Forward/Periods Backward option for valid periods.
You can advance the posting period forward, or set it backward, by the numbers specified in this range. If none exist, or the First Valid Period/Last Valid Period exist, the system considers these values to determine the correct Posting Period range. If both the Periods Forward/Periods Backward and First/Last Valid Periods are specified, the First/Last Valid Periods always take priority.
If you manually override the Posting Period and you are based on a calendar or fiscal year, the valid periods are 1-12 within the boundaries explained above. If you are based on a 13 period General Ledger year, the valid periods are 1-13. To go back one period, specify -1 in this field.
- Printer for Exception Report
Indicate the name of the printer for the exception report, or click
. You can print to a printer, fax, file, e-mail, or report viewer. An exception report prints each time invoice processing is completed. Each message is associated with an order number, product, customer number or shipto, to help you identify issues. - Update Sales Manager?
This option is similar to Sales Entry Sales Manager Update Report.
- Cancel/Convert Orders?
This option allows you to quickly run invoice processing, and run Sales Entry Processing Cancel/Convert Orders Report to cancel and convert orders at a later time.
This option is similar to Sales Entry Processing Cancel/Convert Orders Report.
Select Yes if you want to convert Standing Orders (ST) and Future Orders (FO), release Blanket Releases (BR), and cancel orders past their cancel date. These orders will not be processed with each invoice processing session, only converted.
- Print Promotional Message (in Title)?
Select Yes to print a promotional message. Specify the promotional message in the Report Title field on the banner page of the report. The message is not saved unless you are using a stored report and the promotional message was also stored.
- Print to EDI Where Appropriate?
Select Yes to transmit invoices to customers using EDI. The Print Invoices option in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report must also be set to Yes. The system uses the Trading Partner ID that is set up in Customer Setup or Customer ShipTo Setup, depending on whether the invoice is billed to the customer or customer shipto address.
A flat file is created automatically using the format specified in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Printing.
- Print to Email-Fax Where Appropriate?
Select Yes to send a copy of your customer’s invoice via e-mail or facsimile machine. For a customer to receive invoices by e-mail or fax their Customer Ship To Setup-eCommerce or Customer Setup-eCommerce Send By Invoices option must be set to E-Mail or Fax, and a valid printer must be specified in the Printer field. This option does not work if you select a fax or e-mail destination type on the Printer Information settings view.
The Print Invoices option in Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report must also be set to Yes.
To fax a copy of the invoice and have a printed copy for your files, select the Hardcopy option in SA Company Setup-Faxing.
To fax multiple copies, first set the Invoice Copies field to greater than 1 in Customer Setup-Ordering.
Note: When you fax a batch of sales orders, one cover page and one fax per unique fax number are sent, regardless of customer numbers, ship to’s or floorplan destinations.Select No if you specify a fax device in the Printer field and want to specify the fax number manually.
- Non-Stk Catalog: C)reate, U)pdt, B)oth, N)o
This option allows you to create a Product Catalog Setup record from nonstock line items and nonstock build-on-demand kit component line items.
Specify Create to create a new record even if a catalog item already exists for the nonstock. This may be necessary if you have given the customer special pricing for this product and want to save it to a new catalog record (although the discount from the NonStock window in Sales Order Entry is not copied to the catalog record).
Specify Update to update a record if a catalog item already exists for this nonstock.
Specify Both to create catalog records and update existing records. This will not create duplicate catalog items if one already exists.
Specify No to not create catalog records.
Creating catalog records allows you to easily build a base of information without any data entry. After a catalog record has been created, the catalog product may be used in Sales Order Entry.
The Product Catalog Setup Base Price, List Price, and Cost fields will get updated. Standard cost is not updated even if the Post To GL By? option in SA Administrator Options-Products-Costs is set to Standard. Other fields are updated, with the exception of Description, Vendor #, Line, and Cost. However, if the cost was changed in Sales Order Entry, the Cost field is updated, but standard cost is not. Note that catalog products are not created if the order type is a Correction (CR).
- Only Post Detail if Invoice in Suspense
You can post each invoice in detail to General Ledger, or only post in detail those invoices that would update the suspense accounts.
Select No to have all your GL accounts updated in detail for each invoice that is processed. This will expedite research of those invoices that may have been posted improperly and provides an excellent account activity trail.
You may, however, have a large volume of orders and posting in detail would present a problem with storage space. In that case, select Yes and only those invoices that update your suspense accounts will be posted in detail. The rest of the transactions will be posted in summary.
Transactions are posted to suspense accounts when the system cannot locate the proper GL account code, or if an out-of-balance condition exists. This keeps transaction entry functions from being out of balance. All transactions that update suspense accounts should be researched and the correct GL accounts manually updated.
General Ledger postings include a reference of Invoice Processing if no suspense postings occurred and the General Ledger update is performed in summary. If detailed postings are requested or a suspense account is posted to, the General Ledger reference includes the order number and suffix number.
- Run For Ser(V)ice, (S)ales Order, (B)oth)
This option applies to the Service Warranty module.
Specify Service (V) to print invoices and warranty claims for sales orders tied to active Service Repair Orders (SRO).
Specify Sales Order (S) to print only sales orders that are not tied to SROs.
Note: When an sales order line is tied to a Service Warranty SRO line that has a billable, internal, or remanufacture job code, the rebate will be applied when the line is entered and recalculated during invoice processing. If the SRO line has a warranty job type, the rebate will be removed from the line when the rebate is recalculated during Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report because no rebate should be applied. - EDI Flat File Directory
Optionally, specify a directory to store the EDI flat files. This directory overrides the default EDI directory set up in SA Company Setup-Required.
Do not use this option in CloudSuite Distribution.
- Create Stock Adjustments?
Select Yes and if the quantity on hand goes negative, a stock adjustment transaction will be written to the Product Unavailable Inventory Entry to bring the quantity on hand back to zero.
The next time physical count sheets are printed, this product automatically prints so you can recount the actual quantities. The quantity on hand should never go negative. If it does, it indicates there may be a problem with your counting routine or a product was added to stock but was never received in the system. The current date is added to the last stock out date on the product record and the stock available date is cleared. If the product is a build-on-demand kit, each component is updated in the same manner.
Automatic stock adjustments are not created when the On Hand amount in Product Warehouse Product Setup does not cover the quantity for products with a reservation type of Against Receipts or Always. This situation occurs when inventory has been reserved from pending receipts that were never entered and updated in the system. Processing is discontinued and an error message is displayed because the appropriate receiving functions must be updated prior to invoicing for inventory picked from pending receipts. After you complete the receiving update, you can re-invoice the order.
Select No to not make stock adjustments. A message prints on the exception report: Stock Adjustment Needed, Make Proper Changes