WM Administrator Change Bin Report ranges and options


See Ranges.

Old Bin Loc/New Bin Loc

Specify the existing bin location in the first field. Specify the new bin location in the second field. You can specify up to 20 old and new bin location combinations. The old bin location must exist in WM Bin Location and Product Setup. If it does not, a message prints on the report: No WMSB Record Available With Old Bin Location-No Change Made.

If the new bin location already exists, a message prints on the report: New Bin Location Already Exists- NO Change Made. If a product in the old bin has an value in the Restrict To field in Product Warehouse Product Setup that conflicts with the new bin location, no changes will be made. Product Warehouse Product Setup and WM Bin Location and Product Setup will not be updated.



Required. Specify the warehouse for the old and new bin locations. The warehouse must be set up in Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup. If it is not, you will receive a message and will not be allowed to continue until you specify a valid warehouse: Warehouse Not Set Up in Warehouse Setup-ICSD (4601).