SA Administrator Options - Vendors - Receiving field descriptions
Batch Options
- Delete Records After Reconciliation
The group costing records being reconciled and old Vendor Invoice Center Entry records are removed if you select this option. This occurs when you process reconciliation through Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report or Final Update in Vendor Invoice Center Entry. Transactions that are deleted after reconciliation are never placed in the closed stage. This is because all of the Vendor Invoice Center Entry detail records are removed immediately after reconciliation.
Do not select this option to keep temporary costing records after reconciliation is processed. To remove old records anytime in the future, temporarily select this option and run Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report. This removes old records. Clear the setting and continue operations.
- Set Dispute Flag on Matching Invoices
This option controls the Dispute field on the invoice entry line in Vendor Invoice Center Entry.
If you select this option, the Dispute field is selected when you enter trade invoices, preventing payment of an invoice before the receipt of goods. When the purchase order is received, the invoice is automatically set to undisputed.
When you use EDI to add invoices to Vendor Invoice Center Entry, the invoice and all scheduled payments are disputed if this option is selected. When the purchase order is costed, the invoice and scheduled payments are removed from disputed status.
Tolerances for Batch Reconcile
- Invoice Amount / Percent
These tolerance levels determine the match between an invoice and a purchase order, plus or minus the percentage and amount you specify here.
- Line Amount and Line Amount Percent
- Minimum Invoice Variance Amount to Give Percent Error
Set a minimum amount that an invoice must differ from purchase order amounts to generate an invoice tolerance error. Variances less than this amount do not cause a tolerance error if all other tolerances are met. Invoice lines are compared to received purchase order lines. This is defined by quantity multiplied by price, plus or minus the line tolerance percentages and amounts entered here. This is also referred to as the extended amount on the invoice and purchase order.
For example: the percent tolerance is 0.5%, the invoice amount is $101. If the purchase order amount is $100.00, the variance is $1.00 (1%). It exceeds the 0.5% tolerance and would generate a tolerance error. If you specify $7.00 in the Minimum Invoice Variance Amount to Give Percent Error field, the invoice does not generate a tolerance error. This is because the $1.00 variance is less than the $7.00 minimum variance.
Note: This field applies to company-wide or vendor-specific invoice tolerances. - Unit Quantity and Unit Quantity Percent
During reconciliation, vendor invoices are matched to purchase orders based on percent and quantity tolerance levels, whichever is less. Invoice line quantities are compared to purchase order receive quantities, plus or minus the tolerance percentages and amounts.
For example: specify 10Invoice lines are compared to received purchase order lines. This is in the Percent field and 20 in the Unit Quantity field. In the Vendor Entry Batch Reconciliation Report an invoice’s line quantity is a match to the purchase order’s line quantity if that value is within 10% or 20, whichever is less.
- User Amount and User Percent
If you use a custom algorithm, specify user-defined tolerance levels.
Auto-Receive of Direct Orders
- Check Invoice Tolerances Before Receiving
Select this option to ensure that the AP Total Costed amount for a direct order purchase order that is automatically received when it is costed against a vendor invoice in Vendor Invoice Center Entry is also within the invoice total tolerance allowance.
In some situations, a DO PO may be automatically received because the PO quantity, PO amount, and PO header values are all within the tolerances defined in the Auto-Receive of Direct Orders section. However, the vendor invoice might show a proof balance that prevents it from being costed. This creates a reconciliation error and requires manual review.
If Check Invoice Tolerances Before Receiving is selected, the total costed amount is checked to ensure it is within the tolerances defined at the company level in the Tolerances for Batch Reconcile section or for the vendor in Vendor Setup-Reconcile. If the amount is not within tolerances, the DO PO is not received and the AP invoice is not costed.
- Ignore Header Tolerances
When this option is selected, no tolerance checks are performed against the PO header totals during Vendor Invoice Center Entry, Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report, or Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report.
Select this option to partially receive a DO PO without receiving a tolerance error. Any amounts not received on the DO PO are moved to a back order if back orders are allowed on the purchase order.
Note: The tolerance fields are specified in the Tolerances for Batch Reconcile section if you select a Receiving Tolerance type of Batch Reconciliation. They are specified in the Auto-Receive of Direct Orders section if you select a Receiving Tolerance type of Direct Receiving. - Ignore Line Tolerance When Set to 0
- When this option is selected, and the Line Amount, Line Amount Percent, Unit Quantity, and Unit Quantity Percent are 0, no tolerance checks are performed during Vendor Invoice Center Entry, Vendor Entry Group EDI Invoice Processing Report, or Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report.
- Line Amount and Line Amount Percent
These fields are available when you select Direct Receiving in the Receiving Tolerance field.
Invoice lines are compared to received DO purchase order lines using this formula:
- Quantity multiplied by price, plus or minus the line tolerance amounts and percentages specified here
This is also referred to as the extended amount on the invoice and purchase order.
- PO Total Amount and PO Total Amount Percent
These fields are available when you select Direct Receiving in the Receiving Tolerance field.
These tolerance levels determine the match between an invoice and a purchase order, plus or minus the percentage and amount you specify here.
- Receiving Tolerance
This setting determines what tolerance levels are applied during receiving.
Select Batch Reconciliation to apply the tolerance levels specified in the Tolerances for Batch Reconcile section.
Select None if you do not want to establish any tolerance levels. No tolerance checks are performed.
Select Direct Receiving to define tolerance levels that apply when you reconcile invoices for DO purchase orders in the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report. When you select this option, tolerance fields display in this section.
- Unit Quantity and Unit Quantity Percent
These fields are available when you select Direct Receiving in the Receiving Tolerance field.
During reconciliation, vendor invoices are matched to Direct Order purchase orders. This is based on percent and quantity or amount tolerance levels, whichever is less.
Invoice line quantities are compared to purchase order receipt quantities, plus or minus the quantity tolerance percentages and amounts entered here.
For example: specify 10 in the Percent field and 20 in the Unit Quantity field. In the Vendor Entry Group Update/Reconcile Invoices Report an invoice’s line quantity is a match to the purchase order’s line quantity if that value is within 10% or 20 units, whichever is less.
Note: If you leave the zero default values, that indicates there are no tolerances for differences in the line quantity, line amount, or PO total amount. If there is any deviation in these values between the invoice and the purchase order, the invoice is not costed and an error is recorded. You can view costing errors inVendor Invoice Center Entry.