WL Zero Shipped Orders Report ranges and options
Specify -1
to -7
in the day field to go back up to seven days. For example, specify
in the beginning range and specify **/-2/**
in the ending range. The system uses the current
date less 7 days for the beginning date and the current date less 2 days for the ending
- Whse
Specify the TWL warehouse from which the orders were zero shipped.
- Display Totals Only
Select Yes to print totals only. Select No to print order details.
- Show WLAO Zero Approval Hold Code Only
Select Yes to print only zero shipped orders that are placed on hold on the report. The code is based on the option, Zero Shipped Orders Placed on Hold, in SA Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options-Approve Type.
Select No to include all approval types.
- Show Avail – "Y" Approval Hold Code Only
Select Yes to include only orders that are released from zero-hold status. Select No to include all approval types.