SA Balance Maintenance Report ranges and options


Function Name (ARSC, ARSS, APSV, APSS, CRSB, ICSD, ICSP, ICSW, GLSA) Blank for All
This option refers to the function that created the balance record.
Specify the function acronym for one of the function names.
Leave this field blank to include all functions.
Print Net Change Amounts?
On the balance record, fields 1-16 store the difference between the balance before and the balance after the record was maintained. CR Bank Setup and Product Adjustment Entry-Costs have two balances, Product Warehouse Product Setup and GL Account Setup have 14 balances, Vendor Setup has 15 balances, and Customer Setup has 12 balances. The report is printed in function name order. Within the function name, the data is sorted by primary key, then by date, and then by time.
Select No to print only summary information. The balances that were changed are not printed. Only the function name, primary key, date, time, secondary key, and operator are listed.
Select Yes and the balance fields that were affected are included.
Print Master File Change Messages
Select Yes to print messages on the report to show all creations, deletions, and changes to system setups records. This option is only applicable to the character interface. If you are using the graphical or Web user interface, use Event Manager or the auditing functionality for tracking.