WT Billed Order

A WT Billed Order is a type of sales order. It is automatically created when a warehouse transfer from an authorized alternate warehouse is received into a customer-owned warehouse. WT Billed Orders ensure that the customer is billed promptly for the price of the inventory being transferred into their warehouse. WT Billed Orders are only available if you use 3PL.

See Third-party logistics (3PL).

The receiving warehouse on the transfer must be the customer-owned warehouse and the shipping warehouse is an alternate warehouse to the customer-owned warehouse. In the customer's Product Warehouse Description Setup-Other record, in the Auto Alternate Warehouse Split section, in the Pull Available Stock From field, select either Customer Owned First or Alternate Warehouse First.

The warehouse transfer can be created one of these ways:

  • To handle replenishment when a product drops below its ordering point. When you run the Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report, a warehouse transfer is created based on the demand against the customer-owned product.
  • When a sales line is short-shipped and the backorder is manually tied to a warehouse transfer.

When the warehouse transfer is received by these functions, it is flagged as an order that is ready for billing. The Billed status is Open:

  • Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry
  • Transfer Exception Receipts Entry
  • WL Entry Batch Receiving Report

During receiving, inventory balances and average cost are updated for the customer-owned products. No updates to product balances occur when the WT Billed Order is created or invoiced.

An SX.api call passes the warehouse transfer to the Sales Bill WT Orders Report to create the order upon WT receipt. This report takes the WT number and creates a sales order off of the transfer, and the Billed status is updated to Billed. This report usually only runs automatically within WT receiving. If the WT’s Billed status remains Open and no order is created, you can run the Sales Bill WT Orders Report manually to generate the WT Billed Order.

After a WT Billed Order is created, it is shipped and invoiced. You cannot print a pick ticket for a WT Billed Order, or maintain or copy a WT Billed order in Sales Order Entry.


The Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report is run upon receipt of the warehouse transfer. The report and invoice files are stored in your company’s default print directory. These specific settings override these system default settings for the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report:

  • Print Type is File, and the file name is autoaltwhseinv.txt
  • Printer for Exception Report is File, and the file name is autoaltwhseinvrcpt.txt
  • Print to EDI Where Appropriate is No
  • Print to Email-Fax Where Appropriate is No

To override these settings, you must create a stored Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report with your specific settings. Then, set up the business rule, Alternate Warehouse Lost Business Type, in SA Business Rule Setup to use in the stored report.

See Setting up an Alternate Warehouse Lost Business Type business rule.

During invoicing, stock is not committed or reserved in the alternate warehouse because the items have already been moved to the customer’s warehouse. Thus, the WT Billed Order is technically not a sales order, but a billing order to ensure the customer is charged for the inventory. A note on the WT Billed Order refers to the WT that it was created from. This information is printed on the customer’s invoice. In addition, any lines that were transferred from an alternate warehouse show the warehouse name and price and cost from the alternate warehouse Product Warehouse Product Setup record.


Click WT Billing Orders in Sales Order Entry to view the status of WT Billed Orders. To inquire on WT Bill Orders, the Allow Access to WT Billed Orders List on your SA Operator Setup record must be set to Yes.

You can also use the Electronic Transaction Control Center Entry to view errors for the OE Bill Warehouse Transfer Order SX.api call that runs the auto order creation.