Distribution SX.e deployment
Distribution SX.e is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that can be deployed as on-premises software or as part of the CloudSuite Distribution suite of products. On-premises Distribution SX.e is installed and maintained locally by your company. CloudSuite Distribution is installed and maintained by Infor in the cloud.
If the URL that you use to access Infor Ming.le contains infor.com, such as https://mingleportal.mingle.infor.com/acme-prd, you use CloudSuite Distribution. If you are uncertain which version you use, contact your system administrator.
Depending on the deployment type, features and functions in Distribution SX.e may differ. This guide addresses differences pertaining to required records, changing the browser compatibility mode, launching the application, autocomplete functionality, Infor Ming.le, and signing out. Distribution SX.e online help addresses other differences.