KP Administrator Replace Kit Components Report ranges and options


Old Component

Specify the component to replace.

New Component

Specify the replacement component.


Replace Components in Kit Groups?

Select Yes to replace the qualifying component records that are set up in KP Group Setup.

Replace Components in Kit Options?

Select Yes to replace the qualifying components that are set up in KP Option Setup.

Replace Components in Kit Substitutes?

Select Yes to replace the qualifying component records that are set up in KP Substitute Component Setup. Replacements are made only if the resulting record does not cause a duplicate record with the same sequence number.

For example, the existing record would not be replaced because the replacement record is the same as the existing record:

Existing record Replacement record
Component 100 200
Sequence 1 1
Substitute 200 100

In this example, the existing record would be replaced by the replacement record:

Existing record Replacement record
Component 100 100
Sequence 1 2
Substitute 200 300