Product Special Price/Cost Setup field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Price/Cost Units Per Stock Unit
The price/cost conversion based on the unit you specified in the Special Price/Cost Unit field.
- Product
Specify or lookup the product for which you are inquiring on or setting up special price/costing information.
- Special Default
Indicates which of the following locations Product Setup should pull the special price/cost from.
You can only change the special price/cost information for those products that display Blank, Not Special, or Override (OE) in the Default column.
Blank – Price comes from Customer Setup or Customer Ship to Setup when an order is created in Sales Order Entry.
Not Special - This product is not a special price/costed product.
Override (OE) - Sales Order Entry uses the special price/cost from theProduct Setup record.
Product - Sales Order Entry uses the special price/cost information from the Product Special Price/Cost Setup record.
- Special Price/Cost
Choose one of these options:
Yes - Determines not only the price for Sales Order Entry, but also the cost of the product for Purchase Order Entry. This allows you to take advantage of the special price/cost feature if thousand or hundred costing is too restrictive. The quantity on the line is multiplied by the unit conversion, as well as the value specified in the Price/Cost Units Per Stk Unit field in Product Setup.
Thousand - The product is priced per thousand. The extended price displayed in Sales Order Entry is based on the number of special units per stocking unit.
Hundred - The product is priced per hundred. The extended price displayed in Sales Order Entry is based on the number of special units per stocking unit.
- Special Price/Cost Unit
Select the unit to use with the special pricing/cost. Choose Yes, Thousand, or Hundred.
Choose Yes and this field is used to determine not only the price for Sales Order Entry, but also the cost of the product for Purchase Order. You can take advantage of the special price/cost feature if thousand or hundred costing is too restrictive. The quantity on the line is multiplied by the unit conversion, as well as the value in the Price/Cost Units Per Stk Unit field.
If you choose Thousand, specify .001 in the Price/Cost Units Per Stk Unit field and the product is priced per thousand. The extended price displayed in Sales Order Entry is based on the number of special units per stocking unit.
For example, suppose you stock electrical wire. The item is set up with these attributes:
- Stocked by the foot or reel - FT or RL
- Purchased by the foot - FT
- Standard pack by the reel - RL
- Prices and costs per 1000 feet - MF
A reel of electrical wire contains 250 feet. Your replenishment process suggests buying 400 feet to meet demand; however, the system would round up and suggest ordering 500 feet in order to avoid the charge for an incomplete reel. Your cost on the electrical wire is $650.00 per MF, resulting in a per reel cost of $162.50 and $0.65 cents per foot. You sell the wire for $1300.00 per MF. If a customer orders 75 feet, their price is $1300.00 per MF for a net of $97.50. Their invoice shows 1,300 C for price and $97.50 for net.
If you choose Hundred, specify .01 in the Price/Cost Units Per Stk Unit field and the product is priced per hundred. The extended price displayed in Sales Order Entry is based on the number of special units per stocking unit.