WL Transaction Inquiry - Advanced Search field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section. By default, all fields are displayed but you can use the Criteria field to hide the fields that you do not use. Use Advanced Search to find specific information about an order, master file, or vendor return that passed through your warehouse management interface.



Limit transactions to a specific customer.

Record Limit

Use this field to limit the number of records returned.

Ship From

Limit transactions to a specific ShipFrom location.

Ship To

Limit transactions to a specific ShipTo location.


Limit transactions to a specific vendor.


Specify a warehouse for the search.



Filter transactions to the type of static data you are inquiring on. Filter for:

  • All
  • Product (ICSW)
  • Warehouse (ICSD)
  • Return/Adjust (SASTT)
  • Vendor (APSV)
  • Ship From (APSS)
  • Barcode (ICSEC)
  • Exception (WTEE)
  • Primary Bin (ICSW)
  • Stock Adjust (TWL)
Order Type

Select OE, PO, WT, KP, or VA to filter the results.

Process Type

Depending on the value selected in Transaction Type, you can view these:

  • Sent:
    • All
    • Master: Includes changes from these functions: Product Setup, Product Warehouse Description Setup, Product Warehouse Product Setup, Product UPC Information Setup, and SA Table Code Value Setup.
    • Order Manager: Picking functions.
    • Pre-Receive: Printed POs and pre-receiving functions.
    • Primary Bin: The Product Warehouse Product Setup bin locations downloaded during initial implementation phase.
    • Ship: If conditions are met, a SHP transaction is released to TWL to update the order to shipped.
    • WT Exception: Stock adjustment from Transfer Exception Receipt Entry.
  • Received:
    • All
    • Barcode: Changes made to barcode records.
    • Master Upload
    • Packed Order: Fully packed order.
    • Primary Bin: Primary location changes.
    • Print Pack: Reprint packing list for picked order.
    • Received Orders: Purchase order receipt.
    • Shipped Orders: Order shipped by TWL-controlled carrier.
    • Stock Adjustment: A stock adjustment that originated in TWL.
Status Type

Use this field to limit the transactions that are displayed.

  • Error: Error communications occur when something causes a communication failure. For example, you batch print 100 orders to release them to TWL and 99 orders have a status of inactive. The one order that is not properly communicated causes the entire batch to have an error status. When you reset the status to active to resubmit the orders, the order that caused the error is located and the item is sent again.
  • Inactive: Inactive communications are ready to be deleted. After a transaction is processed through the interface without error, the transaction becomes inactive. If you select the Purge Warehouse Logistics Transactions when Inactive option in SA Administration-Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options, inactive communications are automatically deleted. To manually clear the transactions, run WL Delete Transmissions Report to delete the inactive transactions. You should keep inactive transactions for 30 days to assist with support issues.
  • Message
  • Non-Inactive: Non-inactive communications include open, error, WIP, and active communications.
  • Open: Open communications occur if a power outage or system failure cause an incomplete communication. Use WL Inquiry Transactions to locate these communications and reset the status to active to finish the processing.
  • Pending
  • Vendor Return: Vendor return communications are used when the Hold PO/RMs For Manual Release option in SA Administration-Administrator Options-Logistics-WL Options is selected. This indicates a Return Merchandise purchase order has been picked, packed, and possibly shipped to the vendor. The RM remains in WL Inquiry Transactions until you change the status to active and WL Entry Batch Receiving Report can process it.
  • WIP: Work-in-process (WIP) communications are reserved for transactions that were interrupted during the communication process. You can reset WLET transactions that have a WIP status. This resets the status of the selected WIP lines; however, you cannot inactivate WLET transactions if the WLEH or WLEM transaction detail cannot be moved to an inactive status.
Transaction Type

Select either Sent or Received. Transactions can be sent to TWL or received from TWL.

Update Type

The type of transaction you want to include.

  • All
  • Add (New)
  • Auto Ship
  • Change (Edit)
  • Delete
  • RT Closure


Ending Date

Specify an end date for the search.

Starting Date

The date and time that the driver file was created; defaults to the current date.


Error Message

If you know the error, specify the error message, or a portion of the message, to help you locate transactions.


Select option if you are only researching nonstock products.

Order #

Specify an order to expedite the inquiry and reduce the transactions that show.


Limit transactions to a specific product.

Set #

This driver field consists of several strings of information, which keep the driver files in a sequential order. The times and dates used are pulled at the time the processing function is started. The set number consists of these components:

  • 1-4 = year
  • 5-6 = month
  • 7-8 = day
  • 9-13 = time (seconds)
  • 14-15 = a random number