Line Ship Complete
To assign the ship complete disposition to a sales order line, you can select Line Ship Complete in the Advanced Line Entry mode in Sales Order Entry. You can also select Line Ship Complete on customer and ship to records to set up the ship complete disposition as the default line disposition. The Line Ship Complete option is selected by default in Sales Order Entry if the Line Ship Complete option is selected in the customer and ship to records. The default setting is applied when applicable, based on the customer or ship to record, when you create or edit an order. You can override the default setting on each line on the order.
Pick tickets
To use this feature, Picking (2) must be selected for the Create OE Back Orders At Stage setting in SA Administrator-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders or Product Warehouse Description Setup-Extended. You must also print pick tickets, in any print format, as part of your work flow. If you ship lines without first generating pick tickets, the Ship Line Complete logic does not execute.
When you print pick tickets, a pick ticket is not printed for a line if these conditions are met:
- Line Ship Complete is selected.
- The quantity available for shipment is less than the quantity that was ordered.
- Back orders are allowed.
If a line is not picked, the shipped quantity for the line is set to zero and the line is moved to a back order. The status of the Line Ship Complete option is copied from the original order to the back order. The shipped quantity on the back order is updated with the shipped quantity from the original line. If you run back order fill after you print the pick tickets, the stock is re-allocated to the line if it is available.
If you clear the Line Ship Complete option for a line, all available stock is allocated to the line. The line is then picked and shipped to the customers. A new back order is created for the difference between the quantity that shipped and the quantity that was ordered.
When you print pick tickets, the Line Ship Complete functionality takes precedence over the threshold criteria that is set up in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders. A pick ticket is printed for a line ship complete line when the shipped quantity equals the ordered quantity without regard to the threshold criteria.
Customer and ship to records
When you manually create a customer record, Line Ship Complete is not selected by default. When you manually create a ship to record, the option may be selected or cleared, based on the associated customer record. If you copy a customer or ship to record to create a new record, the status of the option is copied to the new record.
Customer and ship to records that are created or maintained through these automated processes can determine the status of the Line Ship Complete option:
- Customer Maintenance SX.API call
- CustomerPartyMaster BODNote: The ShipToPartyMaster BOD does not include a field that is associated with the Line Ship Complete option. The option cannot be selected on ship to records that are created or maintained through this BOD.
- SA Mass Maintenance Administration
- Data Conversion reports
The status of the Line Ship Complete option is displayed in the Pricing Details section of Customer Inquiry-General. It is also included on the Customer Master List Report and Customer Ship To Master List Report.
Sales orders
Line Ship Complete can be selected for a line only if the back orders are allowed for the order or line. Line Ship Complete is selected by default for line items if the Line Ship Complete option is selected on customer and ship to records. You can override the default setting from the customer or ship to record in Sales Order Entry.
If you copy an order and do not change the customer or ship to, the ship complete status on all lines is copied to the new order. If you change the customer or ship to, the ship complete status for all lines on the new order is based on the customer or ship to record. If you change these settings on the new order, Line Ship Complete is not selected for the line:
- Order Type: Direct Order or Return Merchandise
- Disposition: Just In Time, Tag and Hold, or Ship Complete
The status of the Line Ship Complete option for a line does not change when you perform these actions:
- Create a blanket release from a blanket order
- Move a blanket release to the ordered stage
- Create a stock order from a standing order
- Create a stock order from a future order
Sales orders that are created or maintained through these automated processes can also determine the status of the Line Ship Complete option:
OE Full Order Maintenance and OE Order Change SX.API calls
If the yes is specified in a call for the Line Ship Complete option on a new line, the option is selected. If yes is not included for a new line, the status of the option is based on the customer or ship to record. If the status of the Line Ship Complete option is not provided for an existing line, the status is not changed.
SalesOrder BOD
If an order is created through the SalesOrder BOD, the status of the Line Ship Complete option is based on the customer or ship to record.
The status of the Line Ship Complete option for a line is displayed in General section of Extended tab in Sales Order Inquiry-Line Details. It is also included on the Sales Order Master List Report.
Restrictions and limitations
- Lines
- Direct Order (DO)
- Return Merchandise (RM)
- Correction (CR)
- Dispositions
- Ship Complete
- Tag and Hold
- Just In Time
Total Warehouse Logistics (TWL)
Sales order information, including the line ship complete information, is sent to TWL for processing when the pick tickets are printed. The status of the Line Ship Complete option for each line is derived from the sales order created in Distribution SX.e. The status of the Line Ship Complete is displayed in these functions:
- TWL Outbound Order Inquiry
- TWL Outbound Order Drop Manager
- TWL Outbound Order Drop Manager-Exceptions
During order dropping, if a Ship Complete Line does not have inventory, it is processed as if Parameter 20: Inventory Discrepancy is set to Zero Ship Line. The line is shipped immediately shipped. If the Ship Complete line is the only line on the order, then the order is processed as shipped.
During picking, Parameter 7001, Ship Complete Pick Short Dialog, determines what occurs if a line cannot be filled in its entirety. If a Ship Complete line is placed on hold, you can remove the Ship Complete status in Sales Order Entry. After the order is reprinted, the order in updated in TWL. You can then remove the hold in TWL and short pick the line. The removal of the Ship Complete disposition on a line is displayed in WL Transaction Inquiry.
If you add new lines to a sales order and then resend the order to TWL, the status of the Line Ship Complete option is not checked on the new lines. The status is not required because the suffix is already picked and possibly, the back order was already created.
See the Infor Distribution SX.e Total Warehouse Logistics User Guide for Managing Orders and Infor Distribution SX.e Total Warehouse Logistics User Guide for Picking, Packing, Shipping, and Kittings.