Context application icons

This table shows the icons that you can use to navigate context applications in Infor Ming.le:

Icon Description
attach Attach. Click to attach a file.
left arrow Back. Click to return to a previous view.
calculator Calculate. Click to perform a calculation.
cancel Cancel. Click to undo all changes made to an existing record since the record was last saved. If you create a new record, click this icon to exit the create mode.
close Close. Click to close the window.
copy Copy. Click to update the Quantity field on a sales order line with the calculated amount in the Calculator context application.
delete Delete. Click to delete the record.
drag Drag. Select to drag the object to a different location.
edit Edit. Click to maintain the record.
expand Expand or View. Click to open the window for the context application.
import Import. Click to import information from the entity record to the contact record.
workflow ION workflow. Indicates that the activity that is specified on an Activities record is enabled as an ION workflow. The activity is published as a task in Infor Ming.le.
launch Launch. Click to open an application.
move rightmove left Move right and Move left. In the Report Viewer window, click an icon to move an email recipient between the Available and Selected columns.
new New. Click to create a new record, such as a note or contact record.
new task New Task. Click to create a new document or task.
OwnershipOwnership_group Ownership. Click to view your activities or the activities of other users.
refresh Refresh. Click to update the display.
reverse Reverse. Click to reverse the chronological order of the list of notes.
save Save. Click to save the record.
select Select. Click to select a record.
send reports Send Reports. Click to send a report to an email recipient.
share Share. Click to share in Infor Ming.le.
sort upsort down Sort Up and Sort Down. Click to change the sort order of the listed reports by date and time.