Customer Transaction Activity Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.


Print Invoices (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth


  • N to not print invoices.
  • A to print active invoices.
  • I to print inactive invoices.
  • B to print active and inactive invoices.
Print Svc Chgs (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth


  • N to not print service charges.
  • A to print active service charges.
  • I to print inactive service charges.
  • B to print active and inactive service charges.
Print C.O.Ds (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth


  • N to not print C.O.D. invoices.
  • A to print active C.O.D. invoices.
  • I to print inactive C.O.D. invoices.
  • B to print active and inactive C.O.D. invoices.
Sch Payments (N)o, (A)ct ,(I)nact, (B)oth


  • N to not print scheduled payments.
  • A to print active scheduled payments.
  • I to print inactive scheduled payments.
  • B to print active and inactive scheduled payments.
Debit Memos?

Select Yes to print debit memos.

Credit Memo?

Select Yes to print credit memos.

Print Misc Crs (N)o, (A)ct, (I)nact, (B)oth


  • N to not print miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash.
  • A to print active miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash.
  • I to print inactive miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash.
  • B to print active and inactive miscellaneous credits and unapplied cash.
Print Checks?

Select Yes to print checks.

Print Rebates?

Select Yes to print rebates.

Print In Inv (D)ate or (I)nvoice # Order

Specify D to print the transaction history in invoice date order.

Specify I to print the transaction history in invoice number order.

Print Inactive Customers?

Select Yes to view history transactions for inactive customers and active customers. Customers can only become inactive by manually changing their status in Customer Setup-General or by updating customers' class levels using the SM Administrator Customer Ranking Report and then inactivating Class 13 customers using the SA Administration Inactive Customer Removal Report.

Print Manual Balance Changes?

Select Yes to print manual changes. If you are trying to balance an out-of-balance customer and you want to see if a manual change has caused the error. All manual balance changes are stored in a system administrator file.

Print Customer Notes?

Select Yes to print the notes associated with customers.

To print secured notes, Yes must be selected for Allow Access to Secured Notes on your SA Operator Setup record.

Print References?

Select Yes to print reference lines that are attached to a transaction.

Totals Only?

Select Yes to print only the total number of transactions for each customer along with the total debits, credits, and discounts. The grand total for all customers also prints. No transaction detail prints.

If any customers are out of balance, an error message prints with the totals. A list of out-of-balance customers also prints at the end of the report.