SA Administrator Options - System - Login Security field descriptions

Last Password Change Date

The last date the user's password was changed.

Maximum Days Before Password Expires

Specify the number of days before the password expires. The operator is required to update their password during the login process if these conditions:

  • This value is not zero and Cannot Change Password is not selected for the Login Option on a user's SA Operator Setup record.
  • During the login process, the last password change date is either undefined or more than the maximum number of days in the past.

If Cannot Change Password is selected, the operator is not required to change their password even if the Maximum Days Before Password Expires has been exceeded.

Maximum Password Length

Specify the maximum length for an operator’s password. A zero indicates that there is no maximum password length.

Minimum Days Until Password Can Be Changed

Specify the minimum number of days that must pass before the password can be changed. A zero indicates that an operator can change the password at any time.

Minimum Number of Alpha Characters

Specify the minimum number of alpha characters that must be included in an operator’s password. An alpha character is a letter A-Z in upper or lower case. A zero indicates that there is no minimum number of alpha characters required.

Minimum Number of Numeric Characters

Specify the minimum number of numeric characters that must be part of an operator’s password. Numeric characters are defined as the digits 0 through 9. A zero indicates that there is no minimum number of numeric characters required.

Minimum Number of Special Characters

Specify the minimum number of special characters that must be part of an operator’s password. A zero indicates that there is no minimum number of special characters required. These special characters can be used: !, ", #, $, %, &, ', ( , ) , *, +,-, ., /,:, ;, <, =, >, ?, @, [, \, ], ^, _, `, {, |, }, ~, and a comma.

Minimum Password Length

Specify the minimum length for an operator’s password. A zero indicates that there is no minimum password length.

Number of Invalid Login Attempts Before User Account Disabled

Specify the number of invalid login attempts that are allowed before the user account is disabled. After an operator exceeds the maximum number of attempts, all subsequent attempts result in an error message informing them that their login has been disabled. The operator must contact a system administrator to restore their login privileges.

A zero indicates an unlimited number of login attempts can be made. If the "sys" operator’s account is disabled because the mix number of invalid login attempts has been exceeded, it can only be re-enabled by another operator with system administrator privileges. If no other operator exists, manual intervention by Infor Support Services is required.

Number of Previous Passwords That Cannot Be Used

Specify the number of previous passwords that cannot be used during password reset. A zero indicates that this parameter is disabled so an operator can reset the password to one that was used previously.

System Admin User

In CloudSuite Distribution, you must specify the user ID of the operator who will function as the system administrator in this field. Some tasks that are not controlled by settings in SA Operator Setup, such as setting up authorization point security for operators, can only be performed by the system administrator. If you do not identify the system administrator, these tasks cannot performed.

This field can also be used in on-premise Distribution SX.e, but it is not required. If you specify a user ID in this field, both the identified operator and the SYS operator are able to perform the system administrator-related tasks.