Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report ranges and options
- (S)upply or (R)equest Product
Specify (R)equest to print only the products in the ShipTo warehouse that have the Push option cleared in Product Warehouse Product Setup-General-Authorized Replenishment Path. Specify (S)upply to print only the products in the ShipTo warehouse that have the Push option selected in Product Warehouse Product Setup-General-Authorized Replenishment Path.
- Whse (Supply-Fm, Req-To)
- This option works with the (S)upply or
(R)equest Product option.
- If you specified (S)upply, then the warehouse you enter here is supplying merchandise and represents the ShipFrom warehouse.
- If you specified (R)equest, then the warehouse you enter here is requesting merchandise and represents the ShipTo warehouse.
This option also works with the Whse (Supply-Fm, Req-To) range.- If you specified (S)upply, the Whse range specifies the requesting ShipTo warehouse.
- If you specified (R)equest, the Whse range is the supplying ShipFrom warehouse.
This table shows how the fields work together. The Whse range is determined by the (S)upply or (R)equest Product option and the Whse (Supply-Fm, Req-To) option.
Supply Request Whse (Supply-Fm, Req-To) range Ship To Whse Ship From Whse (S)upply or (R)equest Product option Supply Request Whse (Supply-Fm, Req-To) option Ship From Whse Ship To Whse Product Warehouse Product Setup Push is selected Push is cleared - Print Usage History?
- You may want to capture usage history to establish a pattern of usage while
making replenishment decisions. The usage rate from Product Warehouse Product
Setup, as calculated by Product Administration
Month End Processing Report, is displayed as the same amount, with these
exception conditions: Note: Occasionally the usage shown does not equal the usage rate. This occurs if the usage rate has been overridden or if the product is frozen and the usage rate is not calculated.
- If the usage has been manually overridden, the overridden usage is displayed instead of the usage calculated by Product Administration Month End Processing Report. The override is used even if it is 0 and actual usage exists. If override usage exists and no reason exists, ** is displayed.
- Each time you manually override the usage for a product, you can enter an override reason as well. If an override reason exists, it prints next to the overridden usage.
- If a stock out condition occurred during a particular period (Stock Out Days > 0), SO is displayed next to the usage. If the usage was overridden as well, the overridden usage is displayed.
Specify Yes and usage is included on your report based on the following:- If the product is seasonal, 24 months of usage is displayed and the Usage Control field in Product Warehouse Product Setup is overridden. Buckets 2 through 25 from Product Warehouse Product Setup are used regardless of the Usage Method field described in the table.
- This table shows the usage displayed based on the Usage Method field for non-seasonal products in the
Product Warehouse Product Setup record:
Product Warehouse Product SetupUsage Method Usage Printed on RRAR Forward 12 Months, Buckets 2 – 13 Backward 6 Months; unless Product Warehouse Product Setup # of Months is greater than 6, then 12 Months, Buckets 2 - 7 or 2 - 13 Trend % 24 Months, Buckets 2 - 25 Blank 6 Months, unless Product Warehouse Product Setup # of Months is greater than 6, then 12 Months, Buckets 2 - 7 or 2 - 13
Specify No and usage will not print on the report.
- Whse Surplus - (N)o, (Z)one, (C)omp, (A)ll
- Print surplus for each product generated by the WT RRAR based on all products within one zone, one company, or all products. Each of these conditions builds on the previous condition:
- Process Only Special/Nonstk/Rush Lines?
- Specify Yes to process only special, nonstock, and rush line transfers. Specify No to process all qualifying products, as well as the specials, nonstocks, and rush lines.
- Process (R)ush, (S)pec/NS, (B)oth, (N)one?
- Specify (R)ush to process only rush lines. Specify (S)pec/NS to process only special and nonstock lines. Specify (B)oth to process both line types. Specify (N)one to process neither line types.
- Print "Do Not Re-order" Products?
- This option relates to the Status field on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. Because of a product’s status, a decision must be made to place the item on a warehouse transfer. Specify Yes to include and review Do Not Reorder products in the report totals. DNR will be displayed in the Order Quantity field to indicate a Do Not Reorder status. Specify No to not include Do Not Reorder products in the report totals because the recommended quantity for a Do Not Reorder product is 0.
- Print Substitutes & Supersedes?
- Specify Yes to include substitutes and supersedes on the report. By including the substitutes and supersedes, you can see that the original product quantities should be used before transferring the new product. For each substitute/supersede product that prints, the price, on order, and net available quantity will print. For each product, the Product Extended Product Cross Reference Setup record is checked for substitute and supersede records. If the Product Setup record or the Product Warehouse Product Setup record no longer exists, if the product is not active, if the product has a direct order only status, or if the product is a build-on-demand kit product, the substitute/supersede product will not print.
- Print Comments for Special/Nonstk Lines?
- Specify Yes to include comments for special and nonstock lines entered during Sales Order Entry or warehouse Transfer.
- Apply Halfway Rounding Rules?
- If a product's purchasing net available quantity is below order point and is in class 1 through 4, an exception exists, and PO RRAR will suggest ordering a greater quantity to compensate for the low product level. The formula used is the 1/2-Way Rule, which is: {1/2 (Order Point + Line Point) - PO Available} + Order Quantity. Default – Yes.