Allocation of build-on-demand kit components
The Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report allocates nonstock and special components of build-on-demand kits to the tied order after they are received. The kit sequence number, which is assigned in Sales Order Entry, is used to allocate the receipt to the correct order. If a greater quantity of the nonstock/special component is received, this message is displayed: Nonstock Kit Component was Over Received on ###
The quantity ordered is not changed, as with a normal nonstock product. Return the component to the vendor or warehouse, or set up product records to track the product in inventory.
If the tie on a special order has been broken, the component is still filled if these conditions are met:
- Yes is selected for the Recreate Receipt Records? option on the Sales Entry Back Order Fill Report.
- Reserve Inventory Before Printing is selected in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Back Orders.
The kit can be built and the stage of the order is set to 2 (Picked). If a build-on-demand nonstock component is over-received, an exception prints.