Customer Setup - Credit field descriptions
The fields are listed alphabetically within each section. Click a link to advance to that section.
Basis Payment InformationCredit Information
- Account #
The customer's bank account number from which funds are withdrawn to pay the customer's invoices.
- Bank Name
The name of the customer's bank from which credit information was obtained.
- Bank Phone #
The phone number of the bank contact. The last four characters are designated for an extension. Do not include parentheses or hyphens. The phone number field uses the format you set up at the company level in SA Administrator Options-System-Options. The default for the setting enables U.S. and Canadian companies to use the existing default format.
- Cash Receipts In Process
This option indicates if the customer's record is being accessed in Customer Cash Receipt Entry. Records being accessed are locked. This field is accessible only to your system administrator.
If Customer Cash Receipt Entry is terminated abnormally, for example, your system crashes, your system administrator, or any operator with system administrator status, can clear this option to unlock the customer record. You are notified of the record lock when you reaccess Customer Cash Receipt Entry and receive the error [customer number]: Customer Record Locked by Another User, Cannot Post (5369).
This option is not accessible to users who do not have system administrator status.
- Contact
The bank representative responsible for providing the customer's credit information. This is the person to contact when you require a credit review.
- Credit Established
Specify the date that this record was originally set up, or the date that the account was established with the company. The current date is the default setting.
- Credit Manager
Specify the credit manager for this customer. The credit manager is the person at your company who is in charge of obtaining credit reports, maintaining and updating credit information, and approving credit when requested by the customer.
If the Orders on Hold due to Credit Hold; Notify option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Approval Process is set to Customer Credit Mgr or Logged in Cred Mgr, an order that is placed on hold when it is entered causes a message to display on the credit manager's screen. The credit manager can approve individual orders in Sales Credit Release Inquiry.
- Last Revision Date
The last review date is updated when the Customer Credit Report is run. Do not enter a date during the initial setup.
- Next Revision Date
Specify the next review date. This date should be entered when the credit information is originally set up and each time the Customer Credit Report is run. You can use the Customer Credit Report, which prints the next review date, to determine which customers require review .
- Security Agreement
Select this option if a security agreement exists with this customer. A security agreement is a contract with the customer to reimburse the company for the purchase of merchandise and services.
This can be an inventory agreement or personal guarantee agreement. An inventory agreement uses the inventory purchased as collateral. This allows legal action to be taken against the customer's company.
A personal guarantee agreement allows legal action to be taken against the customer's company or the individuals making the agreement.
- Sort Code
Specify a sort code. A sort code is the domestic bank code used to route money transfers between financial institutions in the United Kingdom and Ireland. You can pull this field value into a direct debit web report, check and format the information, and send it to the bank to take the payments.
- Vendor Manager
The vendor manager is the customer's representative who should be contacted regarding credit problems. This is generally the person in charge of Accounts Payable who has the authority to decide which outstanding invoices are paid first.
- Vendor Phone #
Specify the vendor manager's phone number. The last four characters are designated for an extension. Do not include parentheses or hyphens. The phone number field uses the format you set up at the company level in SA Administrator Options-System-Options. The default for the setting enables U.S. and Canadian companies to use the existing default format.
Credit History and Settings
- # of Invoices
This field is updated by the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report and is an infinite running total. Each time an invoice is processed for this customer, this total is updated. These order types update this value: Stock Order (SO), Direct Order (DO), Counter Sales (CS), Blanket Release (BR), and Return Merchandise (RM).
- # of Payments
This value represents the number of payments the customer has made over their entire history in the system. It is updated each time an invoice is paid and is an infinite running total.
- # Times Late
Each time an invoice is paid that is past the due date, this value, which has an infinite running total, an increases by one.
- Account Opened
Used to record the date on which the customer's account is established with your company. The date on which the record was set up is the default setting.
- Average Days
This field is updated as new information is entered in Customer Cash Receipt Entry. The Avg Days to Pay value represents an average over time, although the time frame may have been recalculated when the Customer Days to Pay Report was run and a specific date range was set. This historical field is updated when payments are processed within Customer Cash Receipt Entry and lock box.
- Clippership Cash
Select this option if only cash can be accepted from this customer for orders shipped through a 3rd party shipping application. This option defaults in the shipping interface selection if the order is being shipped C.O.D. but can be overridden. If this option is selected, the Check Here If Cash Only box on the C.O.D. label is selected.
- Credit Limit
Specify the amount of the customer's assigned credit limit. The combined total balance, plus the on order balance, is compared to the credit limit when you enter and invoice process orders for this customer.
If you leave the default of 0, no credit check is performed. This, in effect, grants the customer unlimited credit.
In Sales Order Entry, a message is displayed if the customer has exceeded their credit limit, and the credit manager is notified if you have specified to notify the credit manager. On hold is displayed in Customer Inquiry if the credit limit is exceeded. If an order is put on hold, it can be approved in Sales Credit Release Inquiry.
The credit limit is ignored if the absolute value of the sales order exceeds the value that is specified in the Minimum for Credit Check field.
- High Balance
This field is automatically updated to the highest balance the customer has ever had as Accounts Receivable is updated after invoices are processed by the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report.
The customer's current balance is calculated as the balances in Periods 1 through 5 + Future Invoices + Service Charges - Miscellaneous Credits - Unapplied Cash. This value is then compared to the high balance value here. If the current balance is higher, it replaces the high balance value. If the current balance is lower, it does not affect the high balance value.
- Hold or Open Date
Specify a date that is based on the Sales Order Status field. If Hold Until is specified for the sales order status, all orders through this date are placed on hold. If Open Until is specified, all orders after this date are placed on hold. This field is required if Hold Until or Open Until is selected.
This table shows what date to enter in the Hold or Open Date field, based on the Sales Order Status value, and the result.
Sales Order Status value Hold or Open Date Result Open Until Specify a date in the past Orders are put on hold. Hold Until Specify a date in the future Orders are put on hold. No N/A No orders can be entered. - Hold Period
Specify the period during which you want to place holds on orders for this customer. Specify 0 if you do not want to place orders on hold. If there is a balance in the period specified or an older period, all new orders are placed on hold. The default for this field is 2.
Note: If you specify 1, all new are put on hold and must be approved before it is processed as an invoice in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. This field is most useful for periods 2- 5.For example, if your periods are set to 30 days each in SA Administrator Options-Customer-Balances, by indicating Period 3 in the Hold Period field, if a balance exists with invoices older than 90 days, all new orders are placed on hold and must manually be reviewed before they can be processed as invoices in the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. This stops customers from purchasing additional merchandise before paying the outstanding balance on old invoices. Any miscellaneous credits are considered when determining if a past due balance exists.
The hold period is ignored if the absolute value of the sales order exceeds the value specified in the Minimum for Credit Check field.
- Last Past Due
Specify the date when the last invoice that was designated as past due was paid. This may not be the last invoice paid.
- Last Pay
The amount of the last payment that was made. It is not necessarily the highest invoice amount, and it not updated during sales order tendering. It is updated in Customer Cash Receipt Entry, Customer Entry Lock Box Update Report, and Sales Order Entry - Received on Account.
- Last Pay Date
The date of the last payment. This date is from the same invoice as the last payment amount.
- Minimum for Credit Check
Specify the amount that the absolute value of the sales order must exceed before a credit check is performed. If the value in this field is zero, a credit check is performed on all sales orders for the customer.
The absolute value of the sales order includes all charges and credits such as addons, discounts, rebates, and taxes. If this amount is less than or equal to the minimum credit check amount, the credit check is not performed. The hold periods, credit limits, and minimum and maximum order values set on customer and ship to records that are used to determine if orders should be placed on hold are ignored.
- Sales Order Status
Specify one of these options to determine the approval status for each new order, or resulting backorder, entered in Sales Order Entry:
- Yes: All orders are approved if within credit parameters.
- No: No order entry is allowed. A warning message is displayed if open orders exist for the customer. If you maintain an open order in Sales Order Entry after the Sales Order Status is set to No, a warning message is displayed that informs you that the customer is on credit hold. After the changes to the sales order are complete, the order is placed on hold. You are also prevented from shipping or unshipping any existing orders in Sales Shipping Feedback Entry until the Sales Order Status is reset to Yes.
- Cash Only: The only payment type accepted for this customer is cash. The order types that are allowed are CS, RM, CR, and QU. You must tender these orders in full.
- COD Only: The only orders this customer can place are Cash on Delivery (COD). If you select COD Only, COD must also be indicated in the Terms field in the General view. A CS type order must be tendered. Orders that are not CS order types do not have to be tendered.
- Hold Until: All orders are placed on hold until the date, specified in the Hold or Open Date field, is reached. After this date, all new orders have an approval status of yes.
- Open Until: All orders follow normal credit processes until the date, specified in the Hold or Open Date field, is reached. After this date, all new orders are placed on hold.
Credit Check Information
- Credit Service
The name of the credit service used to provide a credit rating on this customer.
- Duns #
The number that is assigned to this customer from Dun and Bradstreet.
- Last Rating 1 and 2
The last rating obtained from Dun and Bradstreet.
- Last Rating Date 1 and 2
- The date on which the last credit rating was obtained.
- Reference 1 and 2
Specify credit references in these user-defined field. The credit references should further define the credit status or give specific details on the credit rating.
Basis Payment Information
- Average Days to Pay
This value represents the average days that the customer takes to pay during the time frame displayed in the Basis Begin Date and Basis End Date fields. Each time a payment is made, this amount is recalculated automatically.
- Basis # of Payments
This value represents the number of payments that the customer has made during the time frame displayed in the Basis Begin Date and Basis End Date.
- Basis Begin Date
The date most recently set in the Basis Start Date field in the Last YTD Info window, or the date range set in the Customer Days to Pay Report (if you select Yes for the Update options).
- Basis End Date
There are two Basis End Date fields. The field is located in the Basis Payment Information section displays the most recent end date set in the Last YTD Info window, or the date range set in the Customer Days to Pay Report (if you select Yes for the Update options. The field located in the Last YTD Info window, which is accessed by clicking , displays the date from the same field in the Basis Payment Information section. You can retain the default or specify a different date.
- Basis Start Date
This field is located in the Last YTD Info window, which is accessed by clicking the button. This field defaults to the current date that is displayed in Basis Begin Date. You can retain the default or specify a different date.
Fields are presented in alphabetical order.
- Address
Shows the address from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Application ID
Shows the application ID value from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Application Status
The application status is dependent upon the recommended credit and score card rating of the customer. If the Recommended Credit Limit from DNBi is 0 (zero), the status is Pending: No Credit Limit Returned. If the Score Card is less than 5, the status is Declined. Otherwise, the Application Status field is returned from DNBi.
- City, State, Zip Code
Shows the city, state, and ZIP code from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Country
Shows the country code from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Domestic Duns Number
Shows the domestic Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Duns Number
Shows the Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Expiration Date
This is calculated as the system date plus the number of days defined for the Review Period option in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-DNBi Integration, plus additional days depending on their score card rating:
Score Card # of Days to Add >= 10 365 <= 9 365 >= 8 365 >= 7 365 >= 6 180 >= 5 180 All else (<5) 30 The expiration date is also the next review date, or the date the customer is scheduled for a credit review by DNBi.
- Global Duns Number
Shows the global Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Match / Response Type
Shows the match type from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Name
Shows the name from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- No Call Flag
This is a user-defined field that is updated in Customer Setup-DNBi. It represents a Do Not Call status that is checked by the system to determine if the Update DNBi option is enabled or not.
- Parent Duns Number
Shows the parent Duns number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Phone Number
Shows the phone number from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
- Recommended Credit Limit
Shows the recommend credit limit from the customer's record in the DNBi application.
If the Recommended Credit Limit is less than or equal to the Credit Limit in Customer Setup, then the Credit Limit in Customer Setup is not updated. Otherwise, it is the lowest of these values: Max Credit Limit in SA Administrator Options-Integrations-DNBi Integration, Recommended Credit Limit from DNBi, or Requested Credit Limit.
- Requested Credit Limit
This is a user-defined value set up in Customer Setup-DNBi that represents the original requested credit limit.
- Risk Code
Shows the risk code, which is calculated based on the Score Card value assigned by DNBi.
Score Card Risk Code Next Review Date/Expiration Date >= 10 1 One year from today <= 9 1 One year from today >= 8 2 One year from today >= 7 2 One year from today >= 6 3 Six months from today >= 5 4 Six months from today All else (< 5) D (declined) One month from today If the Recommended Credit is zero, a status of Pending is assigned to the Risk Code.
- Score Card
Shows the score card value from the customer's record in the DNBi application.