Entering a sales order for a Service Management assembly product
You can enter an assembly product and its associated assembly components on a stock order, direct order, or a quote. If you create a quote, then you must convert it to a stock order or direct order for processing.
After you create the sales order, run the Sales Entry Generate Service Orders for Assembly Report to create a corresponding assembly SRO in Service Management. If the assembly SRO is successfully created, then you cannot edit the sales order unless you are granted authority for the Change Assembly SRO Sales Orders authorization point.
For additional information, see the Infor Distribution SX.e Integration Guide for Infor Service Management.
Note: Restrictions are imposed when you create or
maintain a sales order for assembly products. You cannot include products that are
not related to an assembly product, or reorder the lines. Additionally, you cannot
send an assembly product to lost business without first sending the assembly
components to lost business.