Managing NCNR products

NCNR (non-cancellable - non-returnable) products are products that your vendor does not accept on Return Merchandise POs and therefore that you may not accept on returns from your customers. They are high-risk items that are expensive to manufacture or are close-outs. You can also identify a product as NCNR even if the vendor does not. For example, if the cost to return it is too high, or you lack the space to store it in your warehouse. To implement the use of NCNR products in your inventory, review the sections below to learn how to set up, sell, and replenish them.

Setting up

Use these setups to enable operator access and to define a product as NCNR:

  • SA Operator Setup - Select Yes in the Allow Entry of NCNR field in Entry Options view.
  • Product Setup, Product Warehouse Product Setup, Product Catalog Setup - Select the Non Cancellable / Non Returnable option.

Selling and returning

When a sales order is created for an NCNR item, Y displays in the NCNR field on the Line Item and Extended view. Additionally, a warning displays when you add a line for a product designated as NCNR. You must clickOK to continue. This warning ensures that your customer sales reps are aware of the limitations of this product and can notify your customer of the restriction if that is your company policy. If they have security, they can override the value in the NCNR field.

When a sales order is created for a nonstock item, operators can designate it as NCNR. Orders for catalog products that are converted to inventory (stocked) can be created as NCNR.

Only an operator with the Allow Entry of NCNR field set to Yes in SA Setup Operator can enter a Return Merchandise (RM) order or Stock Order with a return line for an NCNR product.

If a sales order line is tied to a warehouse transfer during Sales Order Entry and the product is set up as NCNR in the shipping warehouse but not the ordering warehouse, a warning is displayed. The operator can change the NCNR option on the Line Item or Extended window.

When an order with an NCNR product is copied, you can choose to copy the NCNR flag from any NCNR line items to the new order. If the Copy NCNR option is not selected, the NCNR value from the Product Setup record is used. If there are multiple product records, this hierarchy is used to assign the value: Product Warehouse Product Setup record, Product Setup record, Product Catalog Setup record. If no record is found with the NCNR option selected, the NCNR option is blank for the newly created order line.

The Allow Entry of NCNR field in SA Setup Operator must be set to Yes for an operator to copy an order with an NCNR product to a Return Merchandise (RM) order.

An NCNR product can only be deleted from a current order when it is in Stage 1 (ordered), unless the operator has security to override the NCNR field.


Your buyer must have SA Operator Setup security to change the NCNR flag for a product in Purchase Order Entry. Security is also required if they attempt to add an NCNR product to a Return Merchandise (RM) purchase order or PO return line.

PO RRARs created in Purchase Demand Center Entry that contain an NCNR product include the NCNR designation on the replenishment report line list.

You may consider setting the status of a NCNR product to Do Not Reorder (DNR) in Product Setup. A DNR product’s ordering controls are not recalculated when you run Product Administration Month End Processing Report, although purchasing history is merged. This way the product is not recommended for replenishment in Purchasing.

If a warehouse transfer is created for a product that is defined as NCNR in the shipping warehouse but not the receiving warehouse, a warning displays during Sales Order Entry. The customer service rep can override the NCNR option on the line item if they have security.

Tracking NCNR products

Use these reports to track and manage your products designated as NCNR:

  • Product Surplus Stock Report
  • Product Unavailable Inventory Report
  • Product Turnover Analysis Report
  • Product Nonstock/Direct Order Report