
Prospects are set up in Sales Prospect Setup. These entities can be prospects:

  • Potential customers
  • Existing customers
  • Vendors
  • Employees

Prospect information includes name and address, industry-specific Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes, and fields to define prospect type, outside salesrep, inside salesrep, company size, stage, rating, and user codes.


Before you can set up a new prospect, at least one Prospect Type must be defined in SA Table Code Value Setup. Several other tables are related to prospects, such as company size and and rating, but they are not required. If you use the related tables, you must first define them in SA Table Code Value Setup.

You must also set up the sales representative in Sales Rep Setup, and then specify an inside or outside sales rep in SA Operator Setup. The salesrep record dictates the operator’s prospect security. If the Sales Rep Setup information is incomplete, you can set up prospects, but you may not be able to access the prospect record you created. Additionally, salesreps may only be able to access prospect information for a specific type, or they may not be able to access any prospect’s record. In Sales Rep Setup, the option to have open security allows access to all prospect information.