Setting up import definitions for Product Import

Use PI Import Definition Setup to set up one or more import types.

  1. Select Product Import > Setup > Import Definition.
  2. From the toolbar, click New.
  3. In Import Type, specify an 8-character type.
  4. In Import Description, specify a 24-character definition.
  5. Click Save.
  6. On the General-Required view, complete the required fields and other fields appropriate for your import type.
    In Date Format, specify a date format; for example, MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YYYY. This format is created in SA Table Code Value Setup-Date Format. To successfully import the Price Effective Date and Price Expiration Date, the Date Format value must match the Description value. For example, if the Date Format is MM/DD/YY, the Description must be MM/DD/YY. If the Date Format is DD/MM/YYYY, the Description must be DD/MM/YYYY.

    The File Type you select changes the views that are available:


    You can access all views: General, Product Mapping, Quantity Break Mapping, Integrated Data Warehouse, and Packages.


    You can access the General, Product Mapping, and Quantity Break Mapping views. The Integrated Data Warehouse and Packages views do not apply to this file type and are not available.

    I2 Pricing

    You can access the General, Product Mapping, Quantity Break Mapping, and Integrated Data Warehouse views. The fields available on the Product Mapping view are limited to applicable data. The fields available in these views are based on the I2 mapping information and cannot be changed. Some fields are not enterable. The Packages view does not apply to this file type and are not available.

    Trade Service

    You can access the General, Product Mapping, and Quantity Break Mapping views. The fields available on the Product Mapping view are limited to applicable data. The fields available in these views are based on the Trade Service mapping information and cannot be changed. Some field are not enterable. The Integrated Data Warehouse and Packages views do not apply to this file type and are not available.


    You can access the General, Product Mapping, and Quantity Break Mapping views. The Integrated Data Warehouse and Packages views do not apply to this file type and are not available.

  7. In the Product Mapping, Quantity Break Mapping, Integrated Data Warehouse, or Packages views, specify values for the appropriate fields. Some fields may be unavailable or contain default values depending upon the File Type you specified. The format of the fields that are displayed also depends upon the File Type you specified. For example, Delimited files or Begins/Length files.
  8. Click Save.
  9. You can also search and select an existing import definition from the grid, and click Copy from the toolbar. In the new form, specify a new Import Type and Import Description, and click OK. A copy of the selected record is created with the new type and description. You can then access the sections and make changes to the editable fields of the copied record.


Changing the File Type in the detail of a definition may change the data for that definition.

  • If the File Type is changed to '2 Pricing, any data that may have been loaded is overwritten with the positional data specific to the I2 layout.
  • If the File Type is changed to Trade Service, any data that may have been loaded is overwritten with the position and length data specific to the Trade Service layout.
  • If the File Type is changed to either Delimited, Fixed, or Custom, none of the data that was previously loaded is removed. You have access to all fields with those three file types and you can change any data that is necessary.