Operator and warehouse setup
These lists show the setups you must complete to set up operators and warehouses functions when you add a company. Complete the setups in the order that is presented.
- SA Table Code Value Setup - Language Codes
- SA Table Code Value Setup - Ship Via
- SA Printer Setup
- Government tax setups, including SA Sales Use Tax Setup, SA Goods and Services Tax Setup, and SA Local Tax Setup
- Product Warehouse Description Setup
Sales reps
- Sales Rep Setup
- Sales Commission Setup
SA Operator Setup
Note: In
CloudSuite Distribution,
operator records are created by the automated provisioning process. You can
maintain the records in
SA Operator Setup after they are created.
See the Infor CloudSuite Distribution Setup and Administration Guide.
R&D Operator
GL Account Setup
Note: In
CloudSuite Distribution,
verify the General Ledger settings on the R&D operator record if you copied
the R&D record from the test company using the SA Administrator
Cross Company System Copy Report. To access the R&D operator,
you must specify
R&D in the
Operator field.