Running a Credit Card Manager Report

Run the Customer Credit Card Manager Report modes appropriately. You can run the report in Authorization Run mode throughout the day if you want to send batches of credit cards for authorization. You can run the report in Invoicing Run mode to collect accounting and bank balancing data on transactions that were sent for settlement. Do not run it as a stored report in Invoicing Run mode.

  1. Select Customer > Reports > AR Reports.
  2. Select Credit Card Manager.
  3. Click New > One Time.
  4. Specify the report, printing, and scheduling information.
  5. Click Next. There is no Range page.
  6. Specify these options:
    1. Specify A for Authorization or I for Invoicing. Authorization reports are run during the business day. Invoicing reports are run after invoice processing.
      Note: Do not run this report in Invoicing Run mode as a stored report.
    2. Select Yes for Batch Run.
    3. For the Interval Time for Next Report (In Min), specify the number of minutes the report should wait before the report runs again. If you are running the report in Invoicing Run mode, leave this field blank.
    4. For the End of Day Processing (HHMM Military), specify the last time the report is to run for the day. Specify this time in military format (24-hour). If you are running the report in Invoicing Run mode, leave this field blank.
    5. For the Company option, specify your company number, or leave this field blank to run for all companies.
    6. Specify the credit card processor number, or leave the Processor field blank for all processors.
    7. For the Update Through Processor (Inv Only) option, specify Yes or No.
    8. For the Print option, specify S to print a summarized report, D to print a detailed report, or N if you do not want a printed report.
    9. For the Sort By option, if you selected to print detail in the previous step, you can select whether to sort the detail by warehouse, division, merchant ID or processor: Warehouse, Division, Merchant ID or Processor.
  7. Click Next.
  8. If you are creating a stored report, enter a job name or number.
  9. Click Save.