BD Administrator Tank Calculations Report ranges and options


Number of Deliveries

Specify the number of deliveries to use to calculate Daily Usage.

If you have accumulated sufficient transaction history, we recommend you specify 3 to 6 deliveries.

Note: For tanks with insufficient history, specify a value in the Current Tank Level % and Daily Usage fields in BD Tank Master Setup, and select the Override options for both fields to prevent their values from being updated by this report.
Ignore Product?

Select Yes to calculate Daily Usage for each bulk tank using the most recent delivery history for the value specified in the Number of Deliveries field, regardless of seasonal product changes. Seasonal products are defined for tanks in BD Tank Master Setup-Seasonal.

Select No if only the current product is used to calculate daily usage. Delivery history for the Number of Deliveries specified includes the history for the current product only.

Process Keep Fill?

Select this option to include tanks set up in BD Tank Master Setup with the Keep Fill option selected.

Process Will Call?

Select this option to include tanks set up in BD Tank Master Setup with the Will Call option selected.

Process Fill Cycle?

Select this option to include tanks set up in BD Tank Master Setup with the Fill Cycle option selected.