Invoice processing exception reporting
If an order cannot be invoice processed correctly because of line errors, or files are not updated correctly, an exception record is created. Exceptions are created in Sales Pre-Invoice Exceptions Report and Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report. Use Sales Pre-Invoice Exceptions Report throughout the day to identify and resolve all sales order exceptions before running the Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report at the end of the day. When you run Sales Entry Invoice Processing Report, exceptions are printed on the Sales Exceptions Report. At this point, you must wait until the following day to resolve exceptions and rerun invoice processing.
Messages that are printed on either exception report indicate why the order was not processed. To help you identify the problem, each message is associated with one of these elements:
- Order number
- Product
- Customer number
- Ship to record
Use the Sales Pre-Invoice Exceptions Report numerous times throughout the day to resolve any problems before invoice processing. Exception records are created and stored in an internal OEIX table that is accessed in Sales Invoicing Exception Inquiry. Drill down on each invoice in the grid to update orders directly from the inquiry.