Product Inquiry - General field descriptions
Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.
FIFO: This page is displayed only if your company is set up to use FIFO inventory valuation in SA Administrator Options for products.
Balances: This page shows the current system costs and balances for the product. It shows costs assigned to the product for the customer, and the current product balances for the customer. For example, if you have enabled and specified a Foreign Replacement Cost, that cost is displayed.
Lot: This page is displayed only if the product you are inquiring on is specified as a lot product. Drill down on a line to show the inventory transaction history. Cut piece information is displayed if you are integrated with Infor CPQ product configurator.
Serial: This page is displayed only if the product you are inquiring on is specified as a serial product.
General Details
- Acquired
The date this product was first acquired in your inventory.
- Availability
Click this link check the product availability.
- Catch Weight Product
- Yes is displayed if the Catch Weight Product option was selected in Product Setup-General-Catch Weight. Special processing is performed to handle catch weight products. Catch weight functionality manages the unit of measure, the conversion, and the recalculation required to stock and sell a catch weight product.
- Cube
Specify a value in this field only if you use Total Warehouse Logistics (TWL). Cube is the volume represented by one stocking unit of this product. It is used by TWL algorithms to maximize warehouse space and direct tasks.
The cube is specified on the Product Setup-General window. It is calculated as the length x height x width.
- Description
The product description specified when the product was set up. This description is pulled from the Product Setup record.
- Entered
The date this product was first entered into your system.
- Height
This field is only used if you are using TWL. The height is specified on the Product Setup-General window. Length, width, and height are used to determine the cube of the product.
- Leeway
The number of days before the promise date of an order or warehouse transfer that inventory is reserved for this warehouse product. This value is pulled from Product Warehouse Product Setup-General.
- Length
This field is only used if you are using TWL. The length is specified in Product Setup-General. Length, width, and height are used to determine the cube of the product.
- Product Status
The status of the product, pulled from the Product Setup and Warehouse Product Setup-General windows. The statuses can be separated by a semi-colon.
Valid values for the first status, Product Setup, are Active, Inactive, Labor, or Superseded.
Valid values for the second status, Warehouse Product Setup-General, are Direct Ship, Order As Needed, Order As Needed-NonStk, Stock, and Do Not Reorder. This status is specific to the warehouse/product and identifies the product type or ordering limitations the product might have.
- Reservation
An attribute that overrides the standard inventory reservation rule and changes the timing at which inventory is reserved or not reserved. This value is from the Warehouse Products Setup-General window.
The Universal Product Code is a product identifier consisting of up to six components for a total of 24 digits. This value is from the Warehouse Products Setup-General window.
- Weight
The weight of one stocking unit entered as pounds and a fraction. The weight is specified on the Product Setup-General window and used by Purchase Order to meet weight targets on PO RRAR. The total weight prints on the pick ticket. It is also used by Sales Order Entry to determine and display the total weight of an order in Sales Order Entry-Totals.
- Width
This field is only used if you are using TWL. The width is specified in Product Setup-General. Length, width, and height are used to determine the cube of the product.
Pricing and Units
- Counting
Displays the product's counting unit, if it is different than the stocking unit.
- Multiplier
The multiplier determines if the price multipliers are multiplied against the product's base price, list price, or cost.
- Round By
The amount you want to round the quantity ordered to in Sales Order Entry to the nearest whole quantity you want to sell.
- Selling
The unit you enter on the Sales Order Entry line item.
- Stocking
The base unit of measure [each or box] for this product. The base unit is the smallest unit in which this product can be sold, purchased, or stocked.
- Terms Disc
Indicates if product-specific terms discounts are used in Sales Order Entry for this product and the percent of the terms to be used.
- Alt Prod Price Code
Indicates if there is an alternate code for the product.
- Alternate Product Group
The product's alternate product group. This group indicates that the sales, rebate, and inventory settings for this product must be included in all electronic communications with the vendor.
Alternate product groups are assigned to products in Product Setup or Product Adjust Non-Stock/Direct Order Entry. This is an optional setting.
- Brand
Associating a brand code with a specific product number improves search capability using auto-lookup or keyword search.
Brand codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup and assigned to products.
- Category
The product's category.
Product categories are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup and assigned to products.
- Country
The product's country of origin; that is, where a product was manufactured, produced, or grown.
Country codes are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup-Country and assigned to products.
The product's Export Control Classification Number assigned to this product.
- HS Code
The product's HS code.
A harmonized tariff code is part of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System that was created by the World Customs Organization (WCO). HS Codes are set up in SA Tariff Rates Setup and assigned to products.
- Last Changed
The last time the composition of the product changed.
Used to group products when LIFO valuation is employed. The LIFO category must be set up in SA Table Code Value Setup.
- Mfg Prod
The manufacturer's product number for the product.
Indicates whether the product is potentially hazardous and requires a Material Safety Data Sheet to be sent to the customer upon product procurement.
Indicates to buyers and customer service reps whether this product is non-cancellable or non-returnable (NCNR) when:
- a product added to sales or purchase orders the order cannot be canceled
- the item cannot be returned to you or to the vendor for a full refund
- Price Book Seq
Use the sequence number to customize the order in which the products are listed in price books. The benefit is you can make the price books look like product catalogs you have developed.
- Sheet No
The specific sheet number associated with this MSDS product.
- Supplier Group
The product's supplier group . Multipliers used in calculating prices and costs for each product imported in Supplier Link are based on the supplier group.
The product's United Nations Standard Products and Services Code ®. This optional value can be assigned to the product in Product Setup or Product Catalog Setup or updated through Product Import. It can be up to 12 alpha characters in length and is not validated.
YTD Balances
- Issues
The quantity of stocking units that have been sold year-to-date. It is automatically updated by Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing, Transfer Shipping Feedback Entry, and Product Unavailable Inventory Entry.
The value in this field clears at year end when you run Product Administration Year End Process Report, regardless if you are on a fiscal or calendar year.
- Rcpts
The quantity of stocking units received year-to-date. The value in this field is updated by Purchase Entry Receipt of Inventory, Transfer Entry Receipt of Inventory, KP Work Order Center Entry, and Product Unavailable Inventory Entry.
The value in this field is cleared at year end when you run Product Administration Year End Process Report.
- Returns In
This value is an accumulative of all quantities returned year-to-date. It is updated by the Return In transaction type in Product Unavailable Inventory Entry and the Return Merchandise order in Sales Entry Processing Invoice Processing.
The value in this field clears at year end when you run Product Administration Year End Process Report.
- Returns Out
This value is an accumulative of all returns out year-to-date. It is updated by the Return Out transaction type in Product Unavailable Inventory Entry and the Purchase Order transaction type in Purchase Order Entry Return Merchandise.
The value in this field clears at year end when you run Product Administration Year End Process Report.
Latest Dates
This section shows the last date each of these values was updated for the product.