Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry Details - Header field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order in each section.

Shipping Address

For the warehouse from which inventory is being transferred, the warehouse name, address, and phone number are provided. Any instructions that were specified are shown.
For the warehouse to which inventory is being transferred, the warehouse name, address and phone number are provided. The reference number is shown.

Shipping Information

# of Packages
Displays the number of packages associated with the transfer. Use this value to verify the number of packages shipped and the number of packages received.
This value comes from Transfer Entry-Header. Use this field to authorize stock transfers between warehouses. If you request stock from another warehouse, you may be required to obtain and authorization number.
Due Date
Displays the date the ship to warehouse is to receive the transfer from the ship from warehouse. This value comes from Transfer Entry.
The due date is calculated by taking the longest lead time from all lines on the transfer and adding it to the order date. This method ensures that the due date allows for the product with the longest lead time to be received on time. If the Authorized Replenishment Path (ARP) is followed, the Average Lead Time from the ship to warehouse’s Product Warehouse Product Setup record is used; otherwise, the Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing Default Lead Time on Non-ARP Transfer is used.
Ignore Lead Time

Determines if the lead time should be recalculated for the line item after it is received in Transfer Receipt of Inventory Entry. Typically, the option is not selected so that the lead times is recalculated.

Because the lead time is no longer accurate, the option is selected when a back order is created during receiving. The option may also be selected if the transfer is received through an unusual method or source. The lead time may be unusually short or long; therefore, you do not want the lead time to be recalculated for this transfer.

Order Date
Displays the date the transfer from requested from the ship to warehouse. This value comes from Transfer Entry.
Package ID
This field is user-defined. If you assign identification numbers to the packages that leave your warehouse, you can use this field to track shipments.
Displays the initials of the operator who picked the transfer.
Requested Ship Date
Displays the date on which the ship to warehouse requests the transfer be shipped. This value comes from Transfer Entry.
When the transfer is created in Transfer Entry or Transfer Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report, the Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date in SA Administrator Options-Document-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is used to determine the correct requested ship date. The Additional Days for Calculating Requested Ship Date is added to today’s date. For example, a transfer may be entered today but should not ship for another three days. This date is used during Transfer Entry Print WT Report to determine the date the transfer should initially be printed.
Sales/Value Add #
Displays an order number. A direct order or a direct order line created in Sales Order Entry automatically creates a direct warehouse transfer order. The direct warehouse transfer much be dedicated to one sales order.
Ship Via
Displays the most common form of transportation used to receive transfers from the ship from warehouse. Ship Via values are set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. This value comes from the ship from warehouse record.
Stage Area
This value comes from Transfer Entry header. Use this field to specify where to store the transfer as it is being prepared for shipment. Staging areas include aisles, racks, shelves, bins, overflow sections, and dock areas. The staging area prints on all warehouse transfers.


One capitalized warehouse transfer addon can be added to each transfer. The addon that is specified in Transfer Entry-Header is displayed on each transfer that is entered for this warehouse to ship to the ship to warehouse. When you enter a transfer to ship to another warehouse, the capitalized addon is calculated and the Distribute By option on the ship from warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record is ignored. It is considered revenue at the ship from warehouse.
After the transfer is received at the ship to warehouse, the Distribute By option on the appropriate Product Warehouse Description Setup record is used to determine how the capitalized addon is handled. In other words, the addon amount is from the ship from warehouse and the distribution method is from the ship to warehouse.
The second addon available for you to place on a warehouse transfer is an expensed addon. This addon is from the ship from warehouse’s Product Warehouse Description Setup record on each transfer that is entered for this warehouse to ship to the ship to warehouse. The addon is considered revenue for the ship from warehouse. The expensed addon is not expensed until the transfer is received by the ship to warehouse. The addon is expensed to the Addon Expense account you specify on the Product Warehouse Description Setup record for the ship to warehouse. You are not allowed to capitalize the expensed addon.
Displays the net amount of the capitalized addon.
Displays the type of addon. The types are:
  • Each Line. For this type, the amount or percent that is specified is charged for each line item added to the warehouse transfer.
  • Percent. For this type, the addon is calculated as a percent of the entire transfer.
  • Dollar Amount. For this type, the addon is a flat rate that is applied to the entire transfer.
For the Percent and Dollar Amount types, the addon is for the complete transfer, not each line item.


Displays the total volume of all transferred transferred. The total volume for the shipped products is always based on the stocking quantity that is set up in Product Setup. For a nonstock product that does not have volume assigned, the volume is 1 after the transfer is shipped. This ensures that any capitalized addons are prorated to the nonstock lines when addons are allocated in the receiving warehouse by cube. If you allocate addons, based on weight or cube, and you must record weight or cube on a nonstock product, you must set it up as a catalog product in Product Catalog Setup.
Order Amount
Displays the total net sales of all the line items ordered on this transfer based on the quantity shipped. Addon amounts are excluded.
Quantity Ordered
Displays the total ordered quantity for all line items on the transfer, in the stocking unit of measure.
Quantity Shipped
Displays the total quantity available to ship, or shipped, for all line items on the transfer, in the stocking unit of measure.
Ship Amount
Displays the total net value, excluding addons, of all the line items shipped on the warehouse transfer.
Displays the total weight of all transferred products. The weight for the transferred products is always based on the stocking quantity that is set up in Product Setup. For a nonstock product that does not have weight assigned, the weight is 1 after the transfer is shipped. This ensures that any capitalized addons are prorated to the nonstock lines when addons are allocated in the receiving warehouse by weight.