SA Operator Preferences Report ranges and options
- Report Type (F)ield, (P)age, (A)ll
Specify F to run the report for a specific field.
Specify P to run the report for a specific SA Operator Setup page.
Specify A to run the report for all available fields.
- SASO (P)age# or Database Field Name
If you are running the report for a specific field or page, specify the name of field or page.
If you are running the report for a all available fields, leave this option blank.
- (A)ll, (Y)es, (N)o, or (O)ther
Use this option to determine what is included on a report that is based on a specific field.
Specify A to include all operators and their value for the specified field.
Specify Y to print operators with a value of yes for the specified field.
Specify N to print operators with a value of no for the specified field.
Specify O and then set a value in the Other Value option.
- Other Value
If you specified Other for the previous option, specify the value for the specified field to include on the report.
For example, the system field name for the Default Printer field is printerm. If you specified printerm in the Database Field Name and laser in this field, the report includes users that have a value of laser for their default printer name.