PD Future Price/Cost Change Setup field descriptions

Fields are presented in alphabetical order within each section.


Effective Date

The date the price and cost changes is effective. When you generate PD Administrator Future Price/Costs on or after the effective date, price and cost fields, and the date recorded for the last change made to standard and replacement cost, are updated on the Product Warehouse Product Setup record. When you create a new record, the current date is displayed in this field.

If the effective date has not been reached, the batch record is skipped.


The product to which the price or cost changes apply.


If the price and cost changes are for a product in a specific warehouse, specify the warehouse name in this field. If you leave this field blank, the price and cost changes affect the product records in all warehouses.

Price/Cost Details

Changed By

The method by which you are changing the value of the price or cost. Select <No Change> to retain the current value or New to specify a new value. You can also select a percent change based on another price or cost. If you select a value other than <No Change>, you must specify a value in the New Value field.

The current price or cost of the product from the Product Warehouse Product Setup record.

New Value

Specify the new price or cost, or the amount by which you are changing the price or cost. This value depends on the Change By field. If you select <No Change>, leave this field blank. If you select New, specify the price or cost for the product. If you select Amount Change or a percent, specify the amount by which you are changing the current price or cost. You can specify negative values.

Pricing Parameters

Price Type

Specify a product price type to group products that are priced using the same percentages of markup, margin, cost plus, or discount. Use this value to update several records that have similar price or cost changes.

You can set minimum and maximum margin parameters for product price types, which are defined in SA Table Code Value Setup. You assign price types to products in Product Warehouse Product Setup-General.


The method by which calculated prices and costs are rounded when setting up or maintaining records. The calculated price or cost is rounded by the value specified in the Target field and is the price or cost that is displayed in the system. Indicate whether the calculated price or cost should be rounded up, down, or to the nearest target amount. If you do not want use a rounding method, select <No Change>.

For example, if you select Nearest in the Round field and 100 in the Target field, a price of $142.50 would be rounded to $100.00. The same price with a target of .01 would result in a price of $142.50


Select a value to which calculated prices and costs are rounded. If you select User, you must specify a value in the User Target field.

User Target

If you select User in the Target field, you must specify a value in this field. The price represents two decimal positions, so you can specify a standard value to round a calculated price or cost. For example, if you want your prices to end in .95, such as $1.95, you would specify .95 in this field and prices would be rounded (up, down, or nearest) to .95.