Product Inquiry - Replenishment field descriptions

Usage Information

The Usage Information window is displayed when you click Usage on the Product Inquiry-Replenishment view.


The total backordered quantity.


If a warehouse transfer or prebuilt kit work order is created, but cannot be completely finalized because the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered, this field is updated.

This field can be compared to a transaction with a customer where the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered. Use this instead of creating a back order for the customer's request and updating the quantity in the Backordered field. The transfer or work order creates demand and updates the Demanded quantity.

First Merge

The date the first time Product Administration Month End Processing was run and history was merged.

Last Merge

The last time Product Administration Month End Processing was run.

On Hand

Total quantity on hand.


The unit you want to view usage for.

Total Available Future

The units of product available in the future.

On Order + Received - Back Order - Demanded = Total Available Future

Total Available Now

The units of product available now.

On Hand - Reserved - Committed = Total Available Now

Usage History

Use the grid to view usage information for a specific month and year.

Alternate Vendors

The Alternate Vendor window appears when you click the Alternate Vendors link on the Product Inquiry-Replenishment view.

ROAI - Calculate Percentages
Additional Discount for Purchase

Specify the discount you want to obtain if you make an additional purchase. After you specify the discount and the value for the Return on Additional Investment %, click Calculate.

Return on Additional Investment %

Specify the return on additional investment you want to gain if you make an additional purchase. The return on investment is generally estimated at 40%, which automatically defaults into the Return on Additional Investment % field, but you can change it.

ROAI - Current Information
Available for Sale

The current quantity of this product available for sale.

Max / Line Point

The upper limit required for this product to be reordered and is expressed in stocking units.


The number of months of product you currently have available and on order.

On Order

The current quantity of this product that is on order.

Usage Rate

The current usage rate for this product. Usage rate is determined by the number of normal sales, repetitive transfers, and usage for kit assembly during the past month.

ROAI - Result

The units of additional stock and the number of months.


The ROAI window appears when you click the ROAI link on the Product Inquiry-Replenishment view.

ROAI - Calculate Percentages
Additional Discount for Purchase

Specify the discount you want to obtain if you make an additional purchase. After you specify the discount and the value for the Return on Additional Investment %, click Calculate.

Return on Additional Investment %

Specify the return on additional investment you want to gain if you make an additional purchase. The return on investment is generally estimated at 40%, which automatically defaults into the Return on Additional Investment % field, but you can change it.

ROAI - Current Information
Available for Sale

The current quantity of this product available for sale.

Max / Line Point

The upper limit required for this product to be reordered and is expressed in stocking units.


The number of months of product you currently have available and on order.

On Order

The current quantity of this product that is on order.

Usage Rate

The current usage rate for this product. Usage rate is determined by the number of normal sales, repetitive transfers, and usage for kit assembly during the past month.

ROAI - Result

The units of additional stock and the number of months.


The Adjusters window appears when you click the Adjusters link on the Product Inquiry-Replenishment view.


Any messages related to adjustments made to this product as a result of the ASQ, Five-high, or threshold minimum settings display in this section. These messages describe the specific value changes experienced by the product when an adjuster was applied during Product Administration Month End Processing. The value changes to inventory and order point are supported by the data in the other sections of this inquiry.

Threshold Values / Calculations
$ Differences

The inventory value difference due to the application of the threshold minimum order point.

Line Point

The adjusted line point for this product due to the application of the threshold minimum order point.

Order Point

The minimum order point allowed for this product defined in Warehouse Products Setup - Ordering. If the order point calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing is less than this minimum, the order point is adjusted up to this minimum.

Threshold Parameter Settings
Min Exp Dt

That date by which the threshold minimum order point expires. If the date has expired, the threshold minimum order point is not considered as an adjuster when Product Administration Month End Processing is run and order points are updated. This is defined in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering.

Min Order Pt

The minimum order point allowed for this product. If the order point calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing is less than this minimum, the order point is adjusted up to this minimum. This is defined in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering.


A reference or description that indicates why this product is set up with a threshold minimum order point. It appears in Product Administration Exception Processing Center on the exceptions that are generated due to the threshold minimum order point being applied. Defined in Warehouse Products Setup - Ordering.

Five-High Values / Calculations
$ Differences

The adjusted inventory value difference for this product due to the application of the five-high adjuster.

Line Point

The adjusted line point for this product due to the application of the five-high adjuster.

Order Point

The adjusted order point for this product due to the application of the five-high adjuster.


The average calculated sale after application of the five-high adjuster.

Five-High Details
5-Hi Orders

The top five sales orders that qualify, based on their sales quantities, to include when determining the Five-High order point adjuster value.

5-Hi Qty Used

The sales quantities from the top sales orders used to determine the Five-High order point adjuster value.

5-Hi Sales Dts

The dates of the top sales orders that qualify to be included when determining the Five-High order point adjuster value.

Five-High Parameter Settings and Record Levels
Include Transfers

Indicates whether you include warehouse transfer hits in the minimum number of hits to process the Five-high calculation. This value is set in Product Replenishment Setup - Adjusters. Warehouse transfer hits are stored in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Usage History.

Max $ Diff

The maximum amount that should be used when adjusting inventory values based on the Five-high order point adjustment calculation. This value is set in Product Replenishment Setup - Adjusters.

Min HIts Req'd

The minimum number of hits required for the product to qualify for the Five-high order point adjustment calculation. This value is set in Product Replenishment Setup - Adjusters.

ASQ Values / Calculations
$ Differences

The adjusted inventory value difference for this product due to the application of the ASQ adjuster.

Line Hits

The number of line hits used in the ASQ adjuster calculation.

Line Point

The adjusted line point for this product due to the application of the ASQ adjuster.

Order Point

The adjusted order point for this product due to the application of the ASQ adjuster.


The adjusted usage for this product due to the application of the ASQ adjuster.

ASQ Parameter Settings and Record Levels
Include Transfers

Indicates if you have selected to include warehouse transfer hits in the minimum number of hits to process the ASQ calculation. This value is set in Product Replenishment Setup - Adjusters. Warehouse transfer hits are stored in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Usage History.

Max $ Diff

The maximum amount that should be used when adjusting inventory values based on the ASQ order point adjustment calculation. This value is set in Product Replenishment Setup - Adjusters.

Min Hits Req'd

The minimum number of hits required for the product to qualify for the ASQ order point adjustment calculation. This value is set in Product Replenishment Setup - Adjusters.

Month End Merge Values
# Mths Usage

The number of month’s usage calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.

Raw Line Pt

The unadjusted line point from Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.

Raw Order Pt

The unadjusted order point from Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.

Safety Qty

The safety allowance quantity from Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.

Usage Method

The usage method from Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering used during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.

Usage Rate

The usage rate from Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.

Whse Rank

The warehouse rank from Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering calculated during Product Administration Month End Processing before the adjusters are applied.


The Rollup window is displayed when you click the Rollup link on the Product Inquiry-Replenishment view.


The amount shown in the Quantity column reflects the demand, or usage, for the product in each warehouse. The warehouses listed include the main, or parent warehouse, and all branch warehouses.


The warehouse you are viewing rollup information for. You can only inquire on products in the main, or parent, warehouse.


The Trend window appears when you click the Trend link on the Product Inquiry-Replenishment view.

Calculated Values
Calc'd Trend Pct

This year’s usage divided by last years’ usage to determine trending.

Last Year Usage

An average of the last 12 months of usage from the previous year.

This Year Usage

An average of the last 12 months of usage from the current year.

Trend Pct Used

The Set the limits of the Trend Percentage and a Minimum of fields in Product Replenishment Setup or in Product Warehouse Product Setup, showing the trended usage.

Usage Rate

The Product Warehouse Product Setup ranking value. If an A ranked product uses 3 months to calculate an average usage rate, the average of the next 3 months, including the current month, is used, if Product Administration Month End Processing is run after the 1st of the current month.

Replenishment Settings
Last Year's Min

The minimum number of units required to be sold last year to qualify for Trend % calculation.

Max Pct Override

The maximum trending percentage that is allowed when adjusting usage for seasonal trending. This value is set up in Product Replenishment Setup.

Min Pct Override

The minimum trending percentage that is allowed when adjusting usage for seasonal trending. This value is set up in Product Replenishment Setup.

Override Expires

The expiration date for the seasonal trending override set up in Product Replenishment Setup.

Record Level

The level the replenishment parameters were defined for. You can set up replenishment records at the company, warehouse, vendor, or product line level in Product Replenishment Setup.

This Year's Min

The minimum number of units required to be sold this year to qualify for Trend % calculation.

Month End Merge Values
Line Hits

Indicate whether to include line hits in the Trend graphical representation.

Lost Bus Hits

Indicate whether to include lost business hits in the Trend graphical representation.

Override Usage

Indicate whether to include override usage in the Trend graphical representation.

Select Year

Select the year you want to view Trending information for.

Transfer Usg

Indicate whether to include transfer usage in the Trend graphical representation.


Indicate whether to include usage in the Trend graphical representation.

Usage Rate

The usage rate for this product.

WT Hits

Indicate whether to include warehouse transfer hits in the Trend graphical representation.

Authorized Replenishment Path

Family Group

The family group this product was assigned to in Product Warehouse Product Setup - General. Family group is a smaller, more specialized section of the product line and is set up in SA Table Code Value Setup. Use this optional field to display family group items on the PO/WT RRAR when one item in the family group falls below line point.

Non Cancellable / Non Returnable

Indicates if this warehouse product is non-cancellable or non-returnable (NCNR). This notifies buyers and customer service reps that:

  • the product should only be added to sales or purchase orders when the customer is aware that the order cannot be canceled
  • the item cannot be returned to you or to the vendor for a full refund

This designation is set in Product Setup, but can be overridden in Product Warehouse Product Setup - General record.

Product Line

The product line this product was assigned to in Product Warehouse Product Setup - General.


The type of authorized replenishment path assigned to this product in Product Warehouse Product Setup - General. The products in this warehouse can be:

  • received from a specific vendor or warehouse, supplied from a regional distribution center
  • assembled on a prebuilt kit work order
  • supplied under a vendor managed inventory (VMI) agreement with a vendor
Vendor #

The vendor authorized to replenish this product. The vendor is specified on the Product Warehouse Product Setup - General window.


The ARP warehouse defined for this product in Product Warehouse Product Setup - General.


Non-forecast Rate

Displays the usage rate, months, frozen, and methods defined in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering.

Total Rate

The sum of the forecasted and non-forecasted rate.

Lead Time


The average total time required to replenish this product. This is from the date the order is placed to the first receipt of the product from its ARP source.


The date on which this average was calculated.


The amount of padding incorporated into the order point calculation. This allows for a variance in the expected usage or lead time the next time this product is ordered from the supplier. The safety allowance is set up in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering, and includes the calculation method, either percent, days, or quantity.

Ordering Controls


The class this product was assigned to in Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering. The product classification method of ordering is another alternative to EOQ. These classes determine the quantity to order. There are 13 classes in which each product may fit.

This field is updated from the Product Administration Inventory Classification and Rank Report.

Critical Pt

A calculated value reflecting order point minus safety allowance that is pulled from the Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering window.

Line Pt/Max

The upper limit required for this product to be reordered, expressed in stocking units. This value is pulled from the Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering window.


The ordering method to determine the quantity to buy of this product when it is time to reorder. This value is pulled from the Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering window.

Order Pt/Min

The lowest quantity you should have available for sales and transfers. This value is pulled from the Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering window.

Order Qty

The quantity to be ordered the next time stock must be purchased from the supplier. This value is pulled from the Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering window.

Raw Line pt

The line point calculated for this product during Product Administration Month End Processing and is display only. No adjusters have been applied to this value. If no adjusters are used at all, this equals the value in the Line Point/Max field. This value is pulled from the Product Warehouse Product Setup - Ordering window.

Raw Order Point

The order point calculated for this product during Product Administration Month End Processing and is display only. No adjusters have been applied to this value. If no adjusters are used at all, this equals the value in the Order Point/Min field. This value is pulled from the Warehouse Products Setup - Ordering window.

Replenishment history Notes / Ordering control overrides

An overview of replenishment history, notes, and ordering control overrides for this product and warehouse.