Warehouse Manager
Warehouse Manager (WM) can help you make efficient use of your warehouse investments. It promotes an organized workflow by designating areas where products can be stored, such as primary bins and alternate bins for overflow . It also promotes organized receiving procedures and provides a replenishment system and location analysis information.
Warehouse Manager is a basic system. It is intended for distributors who do not want to implement a larger management solution, such as TWL (Total Warehouse Logistics). You can use TWL for larger warehouses and Warehouse Manager for smaller warehouses. If you use TWL, do not implement Warehouse Manager for a TWL warehouse.
With Warehouse Manager, you still use your paper-based reports and pick tickets as part of your workflow. You must also maintain Warehouse Manager information to track bin locations and counts. Warehouse Manager assists with replenishment to help maintain inventory. Warehouse Manager interacts with other functions, such as inventory, purchase, and sales, related to warehouse activities as part of the tracking process.
You must plan and coordinate before you set up and enable Warehouse Manager, and associate your product data with the function. Review your current workflow and evaluate how Warehouse Manager can improve the workflow. Decide which products should be controlled by Warehouse Manager.
Decide how to handle your bin locations. You can limit one product per bin, or allow multiple products per bin. Establishing a single-product-per-bin setup requires time and effort. If you allow multiple products per bin, directed bin put away during pre-receiving is prohibited.
These type of decisions should be considered when you configure your administrator options and other settings. After planning and setups have been completed, the system functions with limited interaction.
This list outlines Warehouse Manager setup.
- Set up operator security in SA Operator Setup to make Warehouse Manager (WM) available.
- Enable Warehouse Manager settings in SA Administrator Options. Do not select Warehouse Manager In Use until you are ready to implement the module.
- Define table types in SA Table Code Value Setup.
- Ensure products have been set up in Product Setup and Product Warehouse Product Setup before implementing Warehouse Manager.
- Enable individual product records in Product Warehouse Product Setup-Required to be Warehouse Manager-controlled.
- Set up bin locations and associate the bin locations with product numbers in WM Bin Location and Product Setup. Assign quantities of products per bin. We recommend you run an initial Product Entry Physical Count Report for a quick assessment of quantities on hand. Use the results from this report to establish quantities.
- Optionally, use WM Cross Reference by Size Type Setup to specify a product’s total quantity in stocking units that fit in a particular bin.