Shipping requirements for warehouse transfers
A transfer must be in Stage 1-Ordered or Stage 2-Picked to be shipped. If one line item on the transfer is requested, the entire transfer remains in Stage 0-Requested and cannot be shipped in Transfer Shipping Entry.
Control number assignment
You cannot complete a transfer until the serial and lot numbers are allocated.
See Assigning serial numbers to transfers during shipping and Assigning lot numbers to transfers during shipping.
If both the shipping and receiving warehouses assign serial numbers during receiving, or you are shipping a DO transfer that is tied to a Sales Order direct order, you must specify the serial number before you can update the transfer.
You cannot ship a zero-shipped transfer.
A transfer may include line items for products that are stocked or that must be ordered from a vendor or warehouse. If you have combined vendor and warehouse lines, the lines that must be obtained from a vendor or warehouse are moved to a back order transfer with the next available suffix number. The lines that are available can be shipped and those that cannot be shipped are moved to a new transfer number.
If you attempt to ship the transfer before the purchase order or warehouse transfer has been received, a message is displayed. After the purchase order or warehouse transfer is received, you can ship the transfer. You can force ship a partial line on a transfer that is tied to an unreceived purchase order by changing the quantity shipped and setting the item to be included on the next physical count. If Create Back Orders at Shipping Stage in the SA Administrator Options-Documents-Transfer Orders-Processing is selected and you try to force ship a partial line that is attached to an unreceived purchase order, a warning message appears. Any quantities not shipped are moved to the back order that is created when you ship the transfer.
If a line contains a nonstock product and the quantity shipped on the line is greater than zero, a cost must exist for the nonstock.
Direct Order transfer
If a DO transfer contains freight charges and the customer is charged for freight, freight is added to Addon 2 if Update Freight Charges from Parcel Management is selected. The freight is added to the tied sales order.