Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process Report ranges and options


See Report ranges.



The report can only be performed for one buyer at a time. The buyer is validated against SA Table Code Value Setup records. The buyer may restrict the range of report numbers entered.

Order Date

Specify the order date, which is used to update the order date on each purchase order merged.

You can specify -1 to -7 in the date field to go back up to 7 days. For example, if you specify **/-7/**, the current date less seven days for the date.

Print Purchase Orders?
Select Yes to print purchase orders after the merge is complete. The purchase orders are printed based on the information you specified in the Information page.

If you select No, you must use the Purchase Entry Processing Print POs Report to print all purchase orders.

Print Our Product on PO?

Select Yes to print your product numbers on the purchase orders. Select No to print vendor product number, which are stored on Product Warehouse Product Setup records, on the purchase orders. If a vendor product number is not specified for a product, your product number is printed instead.

POs in (Z)ip Code or (P)O Order

Specify Z to print the purchase orders numerically by zip code. Specify P to print the purchase orders by purchase order number.

Printer for Exception Report

Specify the name of the printer to which the exception report should print, or click Printer Options to select a printer. Each time a PO RRAR Merge is completed, an exception report prints to indicate the exceptions, or the purchase order and warehouse transfer numbers that were created.

Convert Purchase Orders?

Use this option to release Blanket Releases (BR). These orders are processed when the PO RRAR Merge is performed unless you select Yes.

If you select Yes, all qualifying BRs are processed regardless of the range of report numbers or specified buyer. The order date and due date for converted orders is the date of the conversion, not the date the BR was originally entered.

Note:  BRs can be converted to purchase orders in Purchase Demand Center Entry, and by running the Purchase Entry Processing Convert POs Report and Purchase Entry RRAR Merge Process Report. Because a BR record can become locked if multiple operators perform a conversion simultaneously, we recommend that you designate one operator to convert BRs to purchase orders.
Delete Unmerged Reports for Buyer?

Select Yes to delete unmerged reports for the buyer that is specified in the Buyer option. The reports are deleted after the merge of requested reports is complete. The operator can then delete all the unmerged reports for a particular buyer after the PO RRAR Acceptance and Merge functions have been performed.

Print to Email-Fax Where Appropriate?

Select Yes to email or fax the purchase orders to your vendors.

Print to EDI Where Appropriate?

Select Yes to send the purchase orders to your trading partners that use EDI.

EDI Flat File Directory

Optionally, specify a directory to store the EDI flat files. This directory overrides the default EDI directory in SA Company Setup-Required.

Do not use this option in CloudSuite Distribution.

Enter a List of Report #'s or Whses?

Select Yes to enter a specific list of report or warehouse numbers, and then click List .

If you specify a list of report numbers, you can enter reports that are generated by the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report and Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report on the same list. Only the reports in the list are processed. You cannot add a report to the list if the Merge? option for the report in Purchase Demand Center Entry is not selected.

If you specify a list of warehouses, reports that are generated by the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report are handled differently than those that are generated by the Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report. For reports that are generated by the Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report, report records for those warehouses that fall within the report number range for the buyer that is specified in the Buyer option are processed. For reports that are generated by the Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report, the warehouse list is used to partially merge the report.

Note:  When reports are partially merged and you want to keep the unmerged reports for future use, ensure that the Delete Unmerged Reports For Buyer option is No.

The warehouse detail for the listed warehouses is taken from the report lines and a purchase order is created. If no further warehouse detail exists, the report is deleted after it is merged.

Merge Line Non(S)tk, (O)AN, (B)oth, (N)one?

You can combine similar nonstocks and special or OAN items if they are included multiple times on the same Purchase Entry Recommended Replenishment Action Report. If you combine similar lines, similar products are displayed on a single purchase order line instead of displaying one line for each product.

Select S to combine nonstock products. For nonstock lines to merge, these values must be identical:

  • Product line
  • Product category
  • Price
  • Unit
  • Description
  • Tariff
  • Country of origin

Select O to combine OAN products. For OAN lines to merge, these values must be identical:

  • Values that required for nonstock lines to merge
  • Special price costing record number
  • Contract number, including contact numbers associated with One Time Costs and Vendor Contract pricing

If OAN lines are combined, PD Pricing Setup breaks are applied.

Select B to combine nonstock and OAN on a single purchase order line.

Program: (P)urchase or (B)lanket Order

This option is only used for merging reports created in Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report. Reports generated by the Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report can be merged into either a purchase order or a blanket purchase is not included in the On Order balance until a release is scheduled against it.

When purchases are made in advance of demand, the blanket purchase order enables the standard replenishment programs to maintain stocking levels until the special purchase is scheduled. Releases off the blanket purchase order must be manually created with the BL Release function in Purchase Order Entry.

If a Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report is processed and this option is blank, the report is skipped, and this exception message prints: Program: No PO Type.

Program: (C)onsolidate or Per (W)hse

This option is only used when merging reports created in Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report. If a Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report is processed and this option is blank, the report is skipped, and this exception message prints: Program: (C)ons or (W)hse.

Specify C to create one purchase order per Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report, regardless of whether you enter a list of warehouses. You must specify a warehouse in the Program: Whse for Consolidation option if you specify C here.

If you specify W, multiple purchase orders are created from each Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report. If a warehouse list is entered, purchase orders are created only for the warehouses on the list. If you do not specify a warehouse list, a purchase order is created for each warehouse on the report. If all warehouses are not merged, you can merge the report at a later time. If all lines have a quantity ordered of zero, the report is deleted.

Enter a List of Whses? Purchase or Blanket Consolidate or Per Warehouse Result
Yes Purchase Consolidate One purchase order is created for all warehouses on the list.
No Purchase Consolidate One purchase order is created for the entire report. The report is deleted.
Yes Purchase Per Warehouse Multiple purchase orders are created; one per warehouse on the list.
No Purchase Consolidate Multiple purchase orders are created; one per warehouse on the report. The report is deleted.
Yes Blanket Consolidate One blanket purchase order is created for all warehouses on the list.
No Blanket Consolidate One blanket purchase is order created for the entire report. The report is deleted.
Yes Blanket Per Warehouse Multiple blanket purchase orders are created; one per warehouse on the list.
No Blanket Per Warehouse Multiple blanket purchase orders are created; one for each warehouse on the report. The report is deleted.
Program: Whse for Consolidation

This option is required for reports created in Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report when you specify C for the Program: (C)onsolidate or Per (W)hse option. This warehouse is the shipto warehouse for the purchase order.

If a line item is not stocked at this consolidating warehouse, it is deleted and an exception is printed. The exception message, Program: No Cons Whse, is also printed if a warehouse is not entered when it is required, and the report is skipped. In all other cases, this option is ignored.

Program: Apply WO Disc to Line Items?

Select Yes to distribute whole order discounts to the lines on purchase orders that were created by the Purchase Entry Program Purchase Report.

Central Warehouse Override

Use this field to override the central warehouse specified on the Buyer record in SA Table Code Value Setup. Purchase orders and transfers are created for other consolidated warehouses. Overriding the central warehouse is valid only for the current report.

Note:  If this option is set up on stored reports, it is ignored. Warehouse override values are not set.