Receiving a payment on account
You can receive on account (ROA) a payment on a customer account. Use these instructions when you receive a customer payment that is applied to the customer’s account and not to a specific invoice.
- Select Sales > Entry > Order.
- From More, select Receive On Account.
- Specify the Customer, and Ship To if applicable.
- Verify the value in the Warehouse field.
- Verify that your initials are displayed in the Taken By field.
- Select the Payment Type.
- Specify the Amount of the payment.
- Specify a reference in the Payment # field. If the customer is paying by check, you could use this field to record the customer’s driver’s license number. If the customer is paying by credit card and you are using a card swiping device, swipe the card now.
- Specify a value in the Authorize # field, if appropriate. If the customer is using a bank card, you can enter the bank-issued authorization number.
- Specify a number in the Check # field, if appropriate.
Select the Print
Receipt option to print the receipt.
The receipt is printed to the printer specified in the SA Operator Setup-Static Information-Preferences- OE Receipts Printer setting. If a printer is not specified in SA Operator Setup, this option is not accessible.
- Click Submit.
- Click OK to open a journal.
If required, specify a Bank.
Note: The Bank field is displayed only when a valid default bank is not specified. If a default bank is set up, it is obtained using this hierarchy:
- Bank assigned to the selected payment type from Product Warehouse Description Payment Type Setup.
- If none, use the bank assigned to the payment type from SA Table Code Value Setup.
- If none, use the bank from Product Warehouse Description Setup.
- If none, use the bank from Customer Setup.
- A message stating that the payment has been posted is displayed. Make a note of the order number that is assigned to this transaction.