Product Serial Number Report ranges and options


(A)vail, (U)navl, (S)old, (R)et, (D)O, (X)All?

Indicate the stage of the serial products to include on the report.

Specify A to include serial products that are available.

Specify U to include serial products that are unavailable.

Specify S to include serial products that were sold.

Specify R to include serial products that were retired.

Specify D to include serial products that were included on a direct order purchase order.

Specify X to include all serial products.

(E)xp Warr, (N)ot Exp Warr, (A)ll Prod

Specify E to include expired warranty products. The expiration date of the serial number must be less than the date on which the report is generated.

Specify N to include warranty products that have not expired. The expiration date must be greater than or equal to the date that the report is generated.

Specify A to include all warranty products on the report.

Print Transaction History?

Select Yes to include this transaction history information on the report:

  • Posting date
  • Vendor number/customer number/warehouse
  • Warehouse
  • Line number
  • Type
  • Cost
  • Price