Tendering multiple payment types to different banks
Many customers accept multiple forms of payment that they do not necessarily want to post to the same banks or accounts. Bank numbers can be assigned to payment types in each warehouse, and a default bank can be set up for each payment type in SA Table Code Value Setup. When tendering or receiving payments on account, this hierarchy is used:
- Bank number from Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup Payment Type
- Bank number from SA Table Code Value Setup-Payment Type
- Original bank number from Product Warehouse Description Setup
- Bank number from Customer Setup
- Bank number you specify when the system prompts you.
You must select the Interface to Check Reconciliation from Order Entry option in SA Administrator Options-Financials-Check Reconciliation to tender multiple payment types to different banks.
- The receive on account bank is loaded from Product Warehouse Descriptions Setup if the Divisional field in SA Company Setup is selected,
- Or, if the During Entry, Default the Division # from option in SA Administrator Options-Documents-Sales Orders-Entry Settings is set to warehouse. Otherwise, the bank is loaded from Customer Setup.